Ludwika Ogorzelec
[2012-2-25 10:25:35]
Ludwika Ogorzelec
1. 1980-1988 The mobile sculptures ...from "Instruments of equilibrium"
cycle, wood (mobile sculptures)
2. 1991 ...from "Space Crystallization" cycle at Hudson Walker Gallery in Fine Art
Work Center in Provicentown, USA , wood ( one piece in two rooms
3. 1993 " Ofrande for Poseidon" from" Space crystallization" cycle , during III
Minos Beach Symposium at the Crete in Greece
4. 1994 The sculpture from "Space Crystallization" cycle at Awangarda Gallery
in Wroclaw, Poland, wood line ( site specific sculpture take space of two
rooms the gallery with a part ( outside ) traversing the window
5. 1995 - "my eyes level " from "Space Crystallization" cycle at Hudson Walker
Gallery in Fine Art Work Center in Provicentown, USA,
(one piece in two rooms of the gallery, wood line )
6. 1995 ..from " Space Crystallization" cycle at Berta Walker East Gallery Window in
Provincetown , wood
7. 1997- The sculpture from "Space Crystallization" cycle at ASKEO Gallery in Paris ,France, wood line (sculpture take space of two level.
begun in basement part of gallery and by ground floor traversing window
going to outside)
8. 1997- The sculpture from "Space Crystallization" cycle at Espace St.Louis in Bar-Le-Duc
France, wood line, dimensions: 5m x 20m x 7m
9. 1999 - The sculpture from "Space Crystallization" cycle at Yokohama Museum
of Art in Japan, 1999, wood line, Dimensions: 4,5m x 6m x 13m
10. 2000 - The sculpture from "Space Crystallization "cycle at Pardo Gallery in New
York, 2000, wood line, dimension: h 3,5 x 80m2
11. 2000 - The sculpture from "Space Crystallization" cycle at Islip Art Museum,
Long Island, New York, 2000, wood, dimension: h 4mx 100m2
12. 2000 - from "Space Crystallization"cycle at Galeryja Les Punxes in
Barcelona, Spain, wood line 3,60m diameter
13. 2001 Sculpture from "Space Crystallization" cycle on the cliff In Lysekil in Swede,
glass line ( site specific sculpture are related with all cliff)
14. 2002- Sculpture from "Space crystallization" cycle at Montbel forest during
International Symposium in France
15. 2004 "Coup de foudre" from " Space Crystallization"cycle on castle hill
in Bar Le Duc , France , h12 x 6m x 5 m, 20 km of cellophane line, light
16. 2007- ... from "Space Crystallization" cycle at Municipal Museum "Arsenal",
cellophane, line , stone medieval canon-ball stone
17. 2008 - "between art and money" from "Space Crystallization" cycle in Zirgu
iela in Riga, Latvia part of DICTATORSHIP OF THE MAJORITY -
SCULPTURE QUADRENNIAL RIGA 2008 18-km cellophane line
17 bis. 2008 from "Space crystallization " cycle at Galeria Sztuki Najnowszej in Gorzow,
Poland 11-km cellophane line, granite stones
18. 2008 - "Bryza" from "Space Crystallization" cycle at Kobzdej Place in Gdansk,
Poland h 8m x 50m x 65m 16 km of cellophane line
19. 2008 - from "Space crystallization " cycle in "Kolibki " Park in Gdynia in
Poland 18-km cellophane line, forest h 7m x 150m x 40m
20. 2009- "to reach impossible " from " Space Crystallization " cycle at Imperial
Castle in Poznan, during the Sculpture Triennial "Poznan 2009" in Poland,
site specific sculpture, 15m hight - taking the space of three level stair
cadge, 17 km cellophane line
21. 2010 - "Atlantis II" from " Space Crystallization " cycle in Tropical Forest in Key West ,
Florida, USA site specyfic sculpture taking space of all surface of lake.
14 km of cellophane line
22. The sculptures from "Space Crystallization" cycle glass et metal line,
work from deferent time, deferent dimensions
23. the sculptures from - " instruments of equilibrium" cycle - in artist studio in Paris
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