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[Scene] Xue Chang, Nie Yiwei, Wang Liu Jian three

[2018-9-24 9:10:46]


[scene] Xue Chang, Nie Yiwei, Wang Liu Jian three exhibition




王刘健   与今年的性侵话题有关的作品

王刘健   与疫苗有关的作品

王刘健  作品

王刘健  作品

王刘健作品  左边是一堆上了金粉的狗屎,右边是一带一路与疫苗。



王刘健作品    一带一路,建立亚投行,满地是金子 !







Curator: Nie Yiwei

Academic Host: Xue Chang

Opening: September 30th, 15:30

Period: September 30th till October 5th

Venue: Shangyuan Art Museum, Ground Floor, Huairou District, Beijing

Organizer: Shangyuan Art Museum



This time, we get ride of everything and let our free spirit flow. We don’t need the market, we don’t need celebrities, we don’t even need a big audience. All we want is to follow our own heart and express everything we want to express the Right way. Someone might say that an exhibition needs to have enough exposure, have famous figures present, and the dinner should look like a wedding! No! We understand our works the best, we don’t need outside aids to beautify them. This is us, our exhibition, we will do it as we want!

Nie Yiwei

薛畅 Xue Chang

出生于河北省石家庄市。2008年考入吉林艺术学院,师从美术学院油画第二工作室杨思远老师, 2013年考入意大利佛罗伦萨美术学院,师从Mauro·Betti教授,攻读新艺术语言表现专业(绘画)。



2010年     第四届大学生艺术节     吉林艺术学院

2011年     学院艺术节   吉林艺术学院

2012年     国际大学生艺术节   吉林艺术学院

2014年     “Start Point”   佛罗伦萨美术学院

2015年     “Start Point”   佛罗伦萨美术学院美术馆

2015年     佛罗伦萨国际艺术双年展“艺术与城邦”    

                佛罗伦萨Forteza da Basso城堡

2015年     意大利学院双年展   佛罗伦萨San Firenze教堂展厅

2016年     “VOLK”意德学术交流展 佛罗伦萨大学展厅

2017年     “合相门”——2017 当代中国油画艺术延伸展 


2018年     ASIART中意文化艺术邀请展     


2018年     上苑艺术馆2018国际创作计划开幕展 


2018年     织影行为展览     北京,上苑艺术馆

2018年     SHE·Art|她·女性艺术节   


Xue Chang was born in Shijiazhuang City of Hebei Province, she began to study in the Academy of Arts of Jilin from 2008. She followed Prof. Yang Siyuan when she was in the school. From 2013 she was studing in the Academy of Fine Art of Florence and followed Prof. Mauro Betti and studied the specialty Arti visivi e nuovi linguaggi per esrpressivi.

蜉蝣入侵 视频 4分钟 2018

蜉蝣-望 装置 尺寸可变 2018

蜉蝣-隐秘 扇面综合 24x35cm 2018

蜉蝣转世 装置 尺寸可变 2018

蜉蝣自言自语 布面油画 100x150cm 2018

聂以为 Nie Yiwei


现 生活于北京

Born 1987 in Beijing

Now live and work in Beijing

吹起来的政策  数码打印  8寸 x4  2017

吹起来的政策  数码打印  8寸x4  2017

让你们闭嘴  布面油画  60x80cm  2017 

渗透  布面综合  40x40cm  2018  

移植  环境艺术x7  2018

王刘健 Wang Liujian


现 生活于北京

Born 1993 in Shandong Province

Now live and work in Beijing

对峙  布面综合  80x140cm  2018 

你别以为我们不知道   装置局部  尺寸可变  2018

你别以为我们不知道   装置局部  尺寸可变  2018

你别以为我们不知道   装置局部  尺寸可变  2018

人才引进  视频  32分钟  2018 

一个接一个   装置局部  尺寸可变  2018 

一个接一个   装置局部  尺寸可变  2018 



The root of artistic expression is ideas. Various artistic languages are only different narrative methods, for an appropriate delivery. Of course, the charm of doing art is to make such expression more poetic. For the same matter, there are different ways of expression, to invoke different layers of profound thoughts. And this is how you can tell good art from bad art. This trio exhibition, including paintings, installations, multimedia and etc. is to provide a diverse contemporary art exhibition.


Nie Yiwei


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Tel:010-60635299 60635757 Postcode:102212
Address:Shangyuan Village, Changping District, Bejing, China.
Support:9oao Studio