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[scene] Redemption: Mi Heyan exhibition opens in S

[2018-9-9 8:35:22]

【上苑现场】 赎:宓赫言个展9月8日在上苑艺术馆开幕

[scene] Redemption: Mi Heyan exhibition opens in September 8th



Curator: Li Niannu


Academic Host: Xing Hao


Open: Aug. 8th, 2018, 15:30


Time: Aug, 8th to 14th, 2018


Venue: Beijing Qiaozi Art Commune, Shangyuan Art Museum, Exhibition Hall No. 2


Organizer: Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum





Desire is shallow since it is something everyone has. It is also endless as men’s greed has no end. Young painter Mi Heyan’s paintings is both a representation of desire and a self-redemption.

Mi Heyan likes dark colors. He likes to express his inner struggle and suffering via a twisted and subverting manner. He is always searching for a gateway to let out his emotions in daily life. For a period of time, he tried to abandon everything that was not essential to his life, for instance, cigarettes, alcohol, meaningless socialization, and etc. He thought that painting was something easy to remove from his life, but when he eliminated almost everything unessential, he found out that painting could not be removed. Until then, he realized that all the creative work he had done was to search for an exit for his emotions, a bridge to communicate with his soul. The abyss of thoughts, the suffering of human kind is so great that if there is not an appropriate exit, he cannot bear it any longer. To create is his only way, he chooses painting as the manner to reveal his inner self to the world.

by Xing Hao


《当你体验平庸之恶1》 宓赫言 100x80cm 2018 布面油画

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Tel:010-60635299 60635757 Postcode:102212
Address:Shangyuan Village, Changping District, Bejing, China.
Support:9oao Studio