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[2019-9-22 17:26:34]


Dancing with the Stone: Ivan Arkhipov Solo Exhibition

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参展艺术家/Artist:伊凡·阿尔希波夫/Ivan Arkhipov

展览城市/City:北京 Beijing


展览时间/Duration:2019/09/28 - 10/02


Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing

与石共舞 Dancing with the Stone

Ivan experiments with different techniques, mainly etching, dry point, linocut, woodcut and other.

A large stone was used in this project as a press to create prints on paper in the technique of dry point.

Resistance of material has an influence on our attitude and image perception. Metal got scratched and torn, lines became cuts. When you make it you had to lay yourself out, to get angry, to resist, to sweat, while still enjoying the process. Perception of reality mute out and we came into a trance. Print is a result of this process. And this technique states importance of the process above the result.

The whole process of creating an art object is important to Ivan: from metal surface processing to the experiments with final prints and factures. It’s important that etching is a medieval technique, so Ivan make some sort of a dialogue through time… it’s timeless things.

Single frame animation created by Ivan over the past year made of graphic prints in the art of dry point engraving will also be presented at the exhibition.

Experience is something you’ve never done.

The deeper you go, the more frightful this experience is. Critical point has been reached. Man is subdued and he can’t understand who he is. There is a deformation of value, deformation of love. People are afraid to see their own demons and their own inner hell. All the doors are being locked, everything is hidden, but daemons are still pursuing. They will leave only when you stop and look them in the eye.

By combining printed graphics, objects and animations, Ivan want to talk about person, person’s loneliness in the world, about seeking and delusions, about human passions, about gradually gained experience.

作品选登 Selected Works

01_Stone / 石头

02_Expiation / 赎罪

03_Eclipse / 日蚀

04_Passionate / 激情

05_A_Walk / 散步

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艺术家简历 Artist’s CV

Ivan Arkhipov was born in Moscow on November 27, 1987.

In 2010 he started developing and experiment in different techniques of printed graphics.

Participated in different Russian and European exhibitions such as: 

"XI Graphic Art Biennial, Dry Point, Uzice". Uzice. Serbia. 2013.

Triennial of printed graphic arts "Ural Print Triennial". Bashkortostan. Russia. 2013.

“2nd International Triennial of Contemporary Graphics”. Novosibirsk. Russia. 2018.

“2nd International Print Biennale Yerevan”. Yerevan. Armenia. 2019.

Art point “Kunstpunkte”. Dusseldorf. Germany. 2015.

VOID International Animation Festival. Copenhagen. Denmark. 2018.

Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival. Hong Kong. 2019.

Verona Internaional Film Festival. Verona. Italy. 2019.

Amsterdam Independent Film Festival. Amsterdam. Netherlands. 2019.

Toronto Arthouse Film Festival. Toronto. Canada. 2019.

Personal exhibitions:

"Inside/Outside". ’A3" gallery, (with Rustam Sherifzyanov). Moscow. Russia. 2014. 

"Path". "Kovcheg" gallery, (with Rustam Sherifzyanov). Moscow. Russia. 2016.

"Ash". "Kostroma" gallery (with Rustam Sherifzyanov). Kostroma. Russia. 2017.

"Temptation". “CCI Fabrika”. Moscow. Russia. 2019.

Ivan lives and works in Moscow.


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