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[2019-9-19 5:54:26]
Commentaries on Qin Jiaojiao’s Works
This series of works titled "Body Orientation & Relationship" is a succession series of "Body Orientation", and the overall style is consistent in each. These art pieces represent my thinking relating to various aspects of art, including my motives to draw this way, method of drawing, the value of exploration and the meaning of persistence. My focus is on the inner world of people, and the body elements constitute the image, in order to directly explore the real inner landscape of people.
Subtraction is a method that I always use in my painting language, just like demolishing a house, at the end only a few elements stick to the backbone, and then I use my vision to re-measure and re-structure in a concise way. Maybe all that is left in this world is a small house able to provide shelter for the birds to rest. This place could be surrounded by the watermelons field, the vast field of crops and sky and that is precisely what I am interested in.
The art works of this series use black and white and gray tones. When there is no rich color, the spatial relationship of the picture is emphasized. A sharp line cuts the frames apart, like two strangers starting to perform together on a stage. Sometimes they step into each other’s territory, sometimes not, politely touching upon each other’s space, near or far. Most of the time the relationship is out of balance because there is a little chance of meeting the same people and interacting in the same way again. I like to stretch out the time in the painting. The change of color, the speed and the tempo of the line and the change of shape all hide the time.
Without mirrors, we can only see ourselves with our eyes as bodies and limbs, or rather as flesh. These elements of our bodies at our mercy every day, and we experience their heaviness, and they can’t escape us, they can’t escape the bones, so I like to liberate them. The canvas is the place where we observe our bodies, beginning to hide, distorting, overlapping, splicing and breaking, overturning and spreading within the visual range of less than one square meter.The self-observation is over. Now, the two bodies are interacting in the image, which is more complex, like the phenomenon of people getting along with each other. If they do not alternate in close contact, they alternate in the seasons, and this constitutes human society.
The creation basis and direction of "Body Orientation & Relationship" series of art works are little out of touch with each other, because the previous works were mainly explorations and experiments, and this stage plays maverick with the reality. In an era of constant innovation, I think that there must be some quietly growing breath leading me to the next secret path.
——Jiaojiao Qin
译者:莫籽 Irina
开幕式现场 Photos from the Opening
回顾秦姣姣个展/Review of the exhibition of Qin Jiao Jiao
Irina Ideas 伊琳娜
Body’s orientation is a topic that goes deep into the plane of existential sense of self, something so universal and yet just like Karma not immediately obvious because often times in life the relationship between things seem coincidental until they are so obvious and powerful that only an art form can express. Qin Jiao Jiao’s art explores the furthest corners of our minds, a line that divides between now and then, you and me, dark and light, a special type of dualism that is dancing in the rhythm of cause and effect, portraying the encounter, connections and disconnections, in this wonderful phenomenon we call reality. There is an ancient wisdom that suggests: "do not seek understanding of things but relations between things and you will understand the world". Upon entering the world of Qin Jiao Jiao, the first physical association one has is of the corners, the edges of our habitats, the rooms in the houses, the corners of the walls, but also it is the reflection of the most inner habitat we have and that is our mind. Sometimes what we see and build around us, to accommodate our bodies reflects the internal world of thoughts, the habitat of our mind, with unlimited possibilities and iterations, just like a perpetuum mobile it never stops, this mechanism of our awareness, it is on the quest of a greater understanding of things.
Sometimes we like to call it a process of acquiring a higher consciousness as a sentient beings on a mission of building higher integrity and becoming a genuine human, one of the most important tasks. Jiao Jiao’s thinking process is touching upon these topics very strongly, with the focus giving priority to the form over color, she brings out the structural elements, emphasizing on the interaction and connections between the things rather than looking at things as they are in themselves. A very good analogy that comes to mind is a helix of a human genome, because when we look at the development of understanding in the field of genetics and how only the genes of integrity get the green light to go ahead towards the next generation, we understand the depth and importance of the ability to distinguish between the white and black. In Jiao Jiao’s art the line that divides the two worlds, seems to be a compass, in a way a green light, an orientation and a road towards this invisible integrity so deeply present but yet elusively mysterious.
One can’t help but think of Karma and the subtle laws prevailing all the existence, just like the laws of physics make the planets turn in a certain way as a result of relationship with the larger objects, so are our actions as humans always in interlocked relationship of everything we do. Qin Jiao Jaio is pushing the boundaries and exploring the world of action and reaction, this very balance. Sometimes the gravity is so strong on one side of the painting that the other is barely able to keep the balance, but it does, it has the ambition to keep afloat. At other times the balance between the sides is so strongly self reflective that the outside reality, the gravity of larger objects has no power. There are only two sides locked in the eternal embrace of cause and effect, karmic laws of entangling and disentangling and it is a delightful experience to look at the intricate game of life unraveling on the canvas with such a strong line of thought. The spectrum of the topics in the paintings range from the highly strong, destiny like questions relating to the relationship with people to the most subtle and almost invisible relation we have with things and environment, birds, casual objects of our every day life, all of which have the most significant role in the universe no matter how small or how big.
Archimedes said: "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the world", analogous to this Qin Jiao Jiao’s collection is in that lever and the karmic compass is exactly in the line of the paintings, dividing the world and the dualistic nature of reality becomes so obvious that one can’t help but wonder about the way things are in a much deeper sense entering the level of what is it that goes behind what we see, what immediately captures our attention and what is behind it truly. There is a process of unraveling in order to get to the core and a truth, often times appearing black, white and gray.
The Way You Move, The Space You Make/你悄然而动,空间浮现
Susana Wessling/苏珊娜·韦斯林
“They are all people” she says while pointing at the paintings in front of us. “This is my friend, this is another friend, this is that artist in residency with us, this is you, this is me.” At first I must say I was a little bit puzzled. Looking at the paintings you see this spacial constructions of seemingly abstract volumes that revolve around each other. She points at details and shapes in the compositions and speaks of what they portray: a body shape, a gesture, a movement. And then, all of a sudden, I see it, I feel that I can start to understand the language she created in the works in front of my eyes. Now I see the people inside the frames. Even in the case of people whom I will never know and whose gestures I cannot understand, I can see that they are there.
JiaoJiao’s paintings go beyond taking someone’s face or body as a representation of who they are. She takes complex and mundane aspects and creates compositions that reflect the uniqueness of each subject in more aspects than just the way they look. It is frozen movement kept in a series of volumes and tensions. They have strong spacial dimension that in turn reflects how each person, in the simplest of ways, occupies space in their life. And your eyes will follow the shapes around just as if you were walking through a house to understand the person who lives there.
She creates these intricate environments where eyes are driven through a game of perfectly drawn lines and contrasts. All paintings are black and white and that really is all you need. Because in the simplicity of colours and forms, the complex depictions of each individual stand out. Each person has their own movement. Each person occupies space in their own way.
And in each composition there is a limit, a border between spaces, inside and outside, light and dark, you and me. A border that separates the forces on the canvas and that can be crossed but not erased. And while we tend to think of limits and separations as bad things, here they are poetically beautiful. In here nothing is an isolated being, but everything has its unique space. As unique as a fingerprint.
“Blooming Rose”——女性主题线上展,网络
99 个帐篷,99 个梦想——艺术北京 左右艺术区外围展,北京
2008深呼吸 - 中国当代油画联展,北京
99 个帐篷,99 个梦想——艺术北京 左右艺术区外围展,北京
Qin Jiaojiao
Personal Website: http://qinjiaojiao.com/
Born in 80s, lived in 798 Art Dist and Roundness Art Community from 2017 to 2010. Resident artist of Shangyuan Art Museum in 2019
"Body Orientation & relationship"——The solo exhibition by Qin Jiaojiao,Beijing
"Blooming Rose"——Woman-themed online exhibition,online
"The direction of the body" ——Second exhibition by Qin Jiaojiao,Guangzhou
Artistic conception——Chinese 2014 Dubai Art Exhibition,Dubai
"The direction of the body"——The solo exhibition by Qin Jiaojiao,Beijing
Breeze/Landscape: Invitation & Exhibition of Shangyuan Artists,online
99tents, 99dreams——About artistic Beijing the artistic area periphery untolds,Beijing
Deep Breath--Chinese Modern Oil Painting Exhibitions,Beijing
"The dream of greatness" the oil painting art show by Qinjiaojiao,Heilongjiang
The China art festival youth unfolds,Germany
Link iron temple fair,Beijing
99tents, 99dreams——About artistic Beijing the artistic area periphery untolds, Beijing
"The oil painting exhibition by Qinjiaojiao", Heilongjiang