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[2019-8-5 18:19:06]


Yangjie solo Exhibition  | On my one


参展艺术家/Artist:杨杰 Yang Jie

展览城市/City of Exhibition:北京 Beijing

开幕时间/Opening:2019.8.10. 15:00

展览时间/Duration:2019.8.10 - 8.17


北京市怀柔区沙峪口村上苑艺术馆 Shangyuan Art Museum, Shayukou Village, Huairou District, Beijing


上苑艺术馆 Shangyuan Art Museum









On My One is the theme of this exhibition. Here, sadness is different from sadness, it is just a feeling of disappointment about time. This visual backtracking, which is almost "pessimistic", can be either a great event in the past memory or a detail of life in hasting in the reality.

Yang Jie’s recent works seem to echo this sentiment. Look at things, inside from sentimental, evidence, outside from the point. The recorded images are simple in shape and low in hue; The images written are condensed to a simple, blurry appearance. Its secret quiet and sentimental, transmission of a nameless hope and yearning in reality. Although we cannot claim that this is an artist with strong style and form who walks on both sides of the emotional spectrum, we can clearly feel that this comes from the inexplicable sadness of youth, which is a generation of young people who constantly encounter mature self-immersion and experience. One of the defining features of Yang jie’s work is that no matter how orderly and evocative his initial work may seem, it will be repeatedly rewritten by obsessive-compulsive "nameless coils" until the image approaches the "blurring" effect he needs.  Look from the history of art, his works of this kind of residue seems to be "appropriate" Cezanne, hockney, Richter and twombly art master of creative thinking and creative, but he was confident of culture has the decisive and committed to the "chemical" purpose of visual creation - still make the "trace" self-identification, based on the sentimental shows the creation of an artist unique talents and "consciously" rewrite "traces" of cultural quality.

Sad, does not mean to go back to the past. Reality, on the other hand, means moving forward with determination. It is hoped that the works of student Yang jie can bring different cultural perspectives to viewers.

Cao Dan

Professor, Department of Basic Visual Arts, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts

Dali, Yunnan 2019.8.4

水纹图系列之一  纸本综合  75X54cm  2019

水纹图系列之二 纸本综合  75X54cm 2019

水纹图系列之三  纸本综合  75X54cm  2019

水纹图系列之四  纸本综合  75X54cm  2019

水纹图系列之五  纸本综合  75X54cm 2019

起风了  纸本水彩  75X54cm  2019

一排树 纸本综合 75×54cm 2019

夏日傍晚的两棵树 纸本综合78X54cm 2019

入夜 纸本综合 75×55cm 2019

雨后 纸本色彩 75×55cm 2019

失意 纸本综合 75× 55cm 2019

踯躅 纸本水彩 75× 55cm 2019

晚霞 纸本水彩 73× 53cm 2019

仲夏夜之梦 纸本水彩 78×54cm 2019

再见 纸本水彩 75× 55cm 2019





《行—迹 2016 莞城美术馆与广美学术交流展           

《诗》       2017 入选第十三届武汉美术作品展

《佛》、《牧民》 2017 入选山西第十八届水彩画作品展

《睡着的旅客》 2018 学院的精神"——中国(义乌)文交会全国独立设置美院研究生作品展"

《烈士纪念碑》  2018 入选“画说麻城”——2018年湖北省美术作品展

《景语》 2018 入选第三届学院空间作品展

《老者》 2018 入选山西第五届小幅水彩写生作品展

《谁先出头就先削谁?》、《以和为贵》  入选 “东方来信”——2018Inter-Youth 国际高等艺术学院青年绘画展

O系列》  2019 入选 “采菊” - 南山社&Fake Project & 关中艺术合作社

《寂静的夜晚》 2019 首届黄鹤杯网络水彩大赛  三等奖。

《后山的岔路口》 2019  第二届全国大学生新锐水性材料作品网络大赛 优秀奖

《烈士纪念碑》 2019 第六届湖北美术节——纪念建党百年系列文化活动暨“红色回声”插画艺术展

Yang Jie

Born in Macheng, Hubei province

Hubei institute of fine arts graduate student studying under professor Cao Dan.

"Xing -- trace" 2016 Guancheng art museum and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts exchange exhibition.

"Poem" was selected to the 13th Wuhan fine arts exhibition in 2017.

Buddha and Herdsman were selected in the 18th Shanxi watercolor painting exhibition in 2017.

"The sleeping traveler" 2018 college spirit "-- China (Yiwu) cultural fair national exhibition of works of postgraduates of art schools".

"Martyrs’ monument" was selected as the 2018 Hubei provincial art works exhibition of "painting in Ma Cheng".

In 2018, Jing Yu was selected to the third exhibition of college space works.

The old man was selected to the 5th small watercolor sketching works exhibition in Shanxi in 2018.

Cut first who comes first? Peace is precious was selected into the "letter from the east" -- 2018inter-youth international college of higher arts Youth painting exhibition

Silent night won the third prize in the first Huanghe cup online watercolor competition in 2019.

"A fork in the back mountain" excellent award in the second national network competition of new water-based materials for college students in 2019.

Martyrs monument, the sixth Hubei fine arts festival in 2019 -- a series of cultural activities to commemorate the centenary of the founding of the party and "red echo" illustration art exhibition.




Yang jie’s works, the picture dark and gloomy, the tone is dark, gives a person a kind of heavy depressing feeling. The artist is so young, is it because "young people do not know the taste of sorrow, for the fu new words strong say sorrow"? No, I think it really shows his thinking about real life. In fact, the bright color hidden in the deep of the picture is a metaphor for his future, and his heart is full of light. 

Xie Yue

Professor, Hubei institute of Fine Arts


小水塘旁边的树林 、公路边擦身而过的行道树 、瑰丽晚霞下的小山包 …他在北京驻留的这段期间的画作多是一些四下无人的风景。这些寻常的风景像流动在深夜飞机客舱里的沉默 ,闪着红光的警示灯明明灭灭,窗外结满氤氲的水汽 …他在这些寻常的风景中找到了一种与自己感受切合的主观表达 :覆盖在风景上错综的线条既是对自身生存现状百无聊赖的无奈,也是他在绘画过程中思考的痕迹 。这种时间感体现在画面上 ,也证明着一趟肉体旅程的发生 。绘画有时是一个手段,有时是一个结果,有时绘画只是绘画。他选择了一条诚实而人烟稀少的道路。尽管对别人来说,这是过时的方式,但是对他来说 ,这是诚实而又有效的方式。



The woods by the little pond, Roadside trees that brush past on the side of the highway, A hill under a beautiful sunset …Most of his paintings during his stay in Beijing were of uninhabited landscapes. These ordinary sights flow like the silence of a late-night airplane cabin, The red warning lights went out ,The dense steam outside the window … He found a subjective expression in these ordinary landscapes that was in tune with his own feelings: intricate lines covering the landscape are not only the helplessness of his own living situation, but also the traces of his  thinking in the process of painting. This sense of time is reflected in the picture, which also proves that a physical journey takes place. Painting is sometimes a means, sometimes a result, sometimes painting is just painting. He chose an honest and sparsely populated road. Although it may seem old-fashioned to others, it is honest and effective to him.

Wish the exhibition a success!

Wang Zi


【上苑现场】Irina Ideas Klyuev 伊莲娜(黑山)个展
【上苑展览现场】 39.9042°N 11​6.4074°E
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【展讯】红线 Heather Beardsley, Guido Nosari双人展
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