[2009-7-5 15:29:57]

Hu Huishan Memorial 刘家琨 Liu Jiakun

Hu Huishan, female, a student in class one, grade 9 of Juyuan Middle School, Juyuan Town, Dujiangyan city, Sichuan. Born on the 11th, Oct., 1992, buried in the Wenchuan earthquake happened at 2:28 pm on the 12th of May, 2008, whose exact death time remained uncertain. Her life spanned 15 years, and the cremation time is the 15th of May, 2008. She enjoyed literature in her lifetime, and dreamed to be a writer.

Father: Hu Ming, laid-off worker of Qingcheng Paper mill, Dujiangyan, aged 43.
Mother: Liu Li, laid-off worker of Qingcheng Paper mill, Dujiangyan, aged 40.

女儿临终那天早七点留给我的临终遗言是:‘妈妈昨天是母亲节我忘了送花给你还有妈妈我忘了拿牛奶了你请大伯给我带来。’ 她去世在她爸爸过四十三岁生日后第三天临终前身上过敏在发红疹很痒女儿啊!妈妈对不起你啊!她去世在我和她爸爸的结婚纪念日第十一天母亲节的第二天
My daughter’s last words to me at 7 o’clock in the morning are, ‘mum, yesterday was mother’s day, but I forgot to send you flowers. Besides, I forgot to take the milk, would you ask my uncle to bring it to me?’ My daughter left the world three days after her father’s birthday, second day after the Mother’s Day, and 11 days after her father’s and my wedding anniversary. In her last days, she was suffering from allergy and itchy red measles. I am so sorry, daughter!
(Extracted from Liu Li’s mobile record

On the 15th of May, I paid my first visit to the Juyuan Middle School. I thought I had met Hu Ming and Liu Li then; however, I was not certain, for then I was in the state of shock. I returned on the 28th of May, still finding other parents mourning for their losses, including a mother who had both of her twin daughters buried in the ruins. As I recall now, it was Liu Li’s detailed thoughtfulness in keeping her daughter’s umbilical cord and deciduous tooth as well as Hu Ming’s toughness and pride that moved me. We have talked for a long time, or to be more precise, I have listened for a long time, because there’s nothing else, as a matter of fact, that I could say about. It makes me wonder, who are the ones that bear the deepest sorrow in this earthquake? I think it must be those parents who have lost their children. Upon departure, I spoke to Liu Li, “Give a birth to another baby girl and still name her Hu Huishan.” “Right!” her eyes sparkled suddenly with a hope, “that is exactly what I thought.” Through these words, the couple and I have arrived at a mutual understanding. I decided to offer them long-term help until they embark on their new life. I didn’t know how I could help them, so I jotted down their contact means, and by the mean time, I also noticed Liu Li has a serious asthma.
On the next day, I made a phone call to Hu Ming, asked him to help me collect the schoolbags scattered on the ground. Then, I have ceased to contact them for quite a few days. It might be the effect from those psycho-interference programs on TV that led to my hesitation. I doubted if I went, would it be stimulating less wounds in their hearts?
I went back to Juyuan on the 21st of June with a few things in mind. Firstly, it is to collect the schoolbags, and other than that, it is to discuss with them on getting Liu Li to see a doctor. To my astonishment, I found them living in a makeshift tent. In the disaster, they have lost not only their daughter, but also their house. Together with them is their survived but disabled old mother. The schoolbags were nowhere to be found, for the tent area was almost a mess. At the beginning, I took it for granted that he would have kept the collected schoolbags at his home. Hu Ming felt a bit guilty about this, so I quickly turned away from this topic. In our random conversations, I came to realize that my worries were totally useless. They have lost their precious child and their hope, but they were still in need of someone to listen to them deeply, as listening itself brings consolation.

I muttered out the idea that has been lingering in my mind for days: to build a small memorial for their daughter. And what follows next was out of my expectation. Their sincere gratitude for this tiny effort that I spared for them had made me reconsider the meaning of life. Until then, I was ashamed of my lack of ability, which does not allow me to achieve much that are practical; and until then, I was suspecting if my idea might be too poetic under such current situation, which this might not mean any practical help for them, but Hu Ming’s words has cleared my doubts. Those physical suffers are all “worldly possessions”, the most heartfelt consolation must come from the healing of the soul. If so, then, we can only go with our heart, and give whatever we can provide.

The Hu Huishan memorial takes its prototype from the pitched roof makeshift tents frequently used in quake-stricken area. It will be built with column and beam framed construction and rebirth bricks. The surfaces will be plastered in a way that is done in the local countryside houses. The floor in the exterior and interior will be paved with red bricks, just as those commonly seen in the houses at quake-stricken areas. The goal is to achieve a sense of simplicity, austerity and universality. A pure space placed among the trees and the open field. Though small, it is enough to remind people of the collective memory of the earthquake. Though small, it is the most meaningful work I have done in my whole architectural career.
Inside the memorial, the sidewalls will be displaying a few remembrances, which recorded Hu Huishan’s short life: photos, schoolbag, notebooks, deciduous tooth, umbilical cord… Her life didn’t leave much trace on the society. She is not a celebrity, only a normal girl – a pearl in her parents’ eyes

A screen will be set on the wall of the far end, displaying a series of videos recorded in Juyuan after I met her parents. This small space can accommodate a few people to sit and view the screen, thus functioning much like a small family projection room. It displays nothing solemn or loud, but something in memory of a flowery age maiden, and something about how a despaired family strives to live on.

I don’t know rather this memorial, which I donated and built, will be the smallest one in the world. But this memorial is built for their daughter, and is also built for all the ordinary lives – for the attitude of treasuring lives is the very foundation of reviving a nationality.

地点(Location):中国 四川大邑安仁 Dayi town,Dayi county, Sichuan Province, P.R.C 项目团队(Project Team):
建筑师(Architects):刘家琨、罗明,孙恩,张瞳/ Liu Jiakun,Luo Ming,Sun En,Zhang Tong 结构工程(Structural Engineering):刘速 Liu Su 建造时间(Construction Period):2009.3~2009.5 基地面积(Site Area): 58m² 建筑面积(Building area):19 m² 业主(Owner):家琨建筑工作室捐建 donated and constructed by Jiakun Architectes 用途(Use):纪念馆 Memorial