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Dragon Boat Festival Video Evening: Colgate Univer

[2016-5-25 9:31:25]


Dragon Boat Festival Video Evening: Colgate University vs. Shangyuan Art Museum

主 创 人:John Crespi(江克平)(纽约洲柯盖德大学-东亚语言文学系教授)

Host: John Crespi (Luce Associate Professor of Chinese; Director of Asian Studies, Colgate University)
         Shangyuan Art Museum 2016 Resident Artists

主 题:美国人眼中的北京历史文化;外省艺术家眼中的上苑艺术馆。
Theme: History and Culture of Beijing in American Eyes; Shangyuan Art Museum in the Eyes of People from Outside of Beijing

时 间:6月6日晚8-11点;
Time: June 6th 20:00 – 23:00

地 点:上苑艺术馆天台
Venue: Shangyuan Art Museum Housetop

参演人员:纽约洲柯盖德大学师生 & 上苑艺术馆2016驻馆艺术家
Participants: Students and Faculty Members from Colgate University & Shangyuan Art Museum 2016 Resident Artists

组织策划:John Crespi(江克平)、 程小蓓
Organizers: John Crespi, Xiaobei Cheng

Introduction of the Main Characters:

John Crespi(江克平)——纽约洲柯盖德大学-东亚语言文学系教授、北京大学富布赖特研究学者,著有新诗研究论文《从“运动”到“活动”:诗朗诵在后社会主义中国的价值》。
John Crespt, Luce Associate Professor of Chinese and Director of Asian Studies in Colgate University, Peking University Fulbright Scholar. Published article: From “Movement” to “Activity”: The Value of Poem Reading in Post-Socialist China

Xiaobei Cheng: Poet, Creator of Shangyuan Art Museum. Published poems and novels: You are crazy, Unfortunate, Architectural Dairy.


About Colgate University:

柯盖德大学(Colgate University)坐落于美国纽约州汉密尔顿市,建于1819年,有学生约两千八百人,教授近三百人。原名麦迪逊大学(Madison University)。 学校在东北部声誉卓著,校风严谨传统,直至今日大部分学生来自于纽约和新英格兰的富裕家庭,是一所贵族文理学院。
Colgate University is a private liberal arts college located in Hamilton Village, Hamilton Township, Madison County, New York, United States. It was established in 1819, have around 2800 students and 300 professors. Originally called Madison University. It is a prestigious university in Northeastern part of United States. Most of the students come from wealthy family in New York State and New England.

About Shangyuan Art Museum:

Our main project is International Residency Programme. Since 2007, every year we hosted 40 to 50 artists from all around the world. They are specialized in poetry, music, fine art, dancing and etc. We provide them with studio, living space, exhibition hall, rehearsal room and library. Till now, we have 237 artists from 17 different countries, making 1730 pieces of great art works and hosted more than 120 different exhibitions.



上苑 & 鸟巢-文学艺术国际联盟(简称:国际文盟)

International Network of Literature and Art(INLA)

电话: 010-60635299 60635757

Website: http://www.inlac.cc/

上苑艺术馆官网 http://www.syartmuseum.com/


□京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行到底>右拐300m路北 

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Tel:010-60635299 60635757 Postcode:102212
Address:Shangyuan Village, Changping District, Bejing, China.
Support:9oao Studio