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【上苑展讯】匆忙的物质:Estelle Magnin(法国)& Leire Lacunza(西班牙)

[2019-9-3 4:50:25]

【上苑展讯】匆忙的物质 Hurry Matter

Estelle Magnin (法国) & Leire Lacunza (西班牙) 双人展

exhibition poster.jpg


参展艺术家/Artists:Estelle Magnin (法国) Leire Lacunza (西班牙)

展览城市/City:北京 Beijing


展览时间/Duration:2019/09/07 - 09/11


Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing



Leire Lacunza和Estelle Magnin使用摄影、绘画和数字媒体来呈现不同的图像感知。在这次展览中,艺术家们通过展示他们创作过程中的不同步骤来研究艺术其中的唯一性与复制性的概念,每一步都是独一无二的作品。她们用新的视角来看待一幅图像,展示了如何考虑以及制作过程,展览还展出Estelle Magnin与上苑另一位常驻艺术家宓赫言的合作画作,这幅画本身包含了许多层次,最终以一幅独特的画面结束。

Leire Lacunza是巴斯克艺术家,从事绘画和数字媒体工作。她用油画来形成每天都在变化的层次,在一个表面上压缩不同的时间,就像地球的层次一样。对于这些数码画,她首先从外部收集图像,然后再将它们分层。然后,她开始了一个“雕刻过程”,把所有的图层放在一个单独的图像上。图像变成实物的方式是她作品的一个重要部分。

Estelle Magnin是一位从事摄影和绘画的法国艺术家。为了更好的了解了她所前往的地方,她首先使用相机完成一个纪录的过程。然后她再拍一些更有创意的照片,她对细节、色彩和抽象感兴趣。在上苑艺术馆,她把自己的照片作为绘画的主题,然后再把这些画作为新创作的主题。她颠覆了我们对同一幅照片常规的看法,这些照片有时拍得很快,她用颜料重新创作,然后再拍一次。印刷出来的图片也变成了一幅新的创作,让她能够更深入地探索这两种媒介之间的无限可能。


Hurry Matter

Leire Lacunza and Estelle Magnin use photography, painting and digital media to bring up different perceptions of an image.  In this exhibition, the artists investigate the notions of transitoreness and reproductibilty by revealing different steps of their process, each step being an unique work. By considering how to show an image and the way of producing it, they attempt to engage new considerations to look at a picture. The exhibition also shows a collaborative painting of Estelle Magnin and Mi Heyan, another resident artist of Shangyuan, which contains in itself many layers to finally end in one unique picture.

Leire Lacunza is a Basque artist whose practice is specially focused on painting and digital media.  She uses oil painting to form layers that are evolving from day to day, compressing different times on a surface exactly as the layers of earth do. For the digital paintings, she first collects images from outside before transforming them into layers. Then, she starts a "carving process" to bring those layers all together on a sole image. The way that the image becomes physical is an important part of her work.

Estelle Magnin is a French artist who works with photography and painting. To get a strong sense of the place she is travelling to, she first uses her camera in a documentary process. Then her photos tend to be more creative, with interests for details, colors and abstraction. At Shangyuan Art Museum, she exploits her photos as the subject for her paintings, before taking those paintings as a subject for a new photo. She explores the perception that we have of a same picture which has sometimes been shot quickly, then modelling slowly with colors, before being shot again. The printed picture becomes also like a new canvas, and allows her even more to look into that uneding circle of possibilities between those two mediums. 

Leire and Estelle are both resident artists at Shangyuan Art Museum since April 2019.

Estelle Magnin,"Fushia fish/紫红色的鱼" , oil painting on canvas 布上油画, 80x60cm, 2019.

Estelle Magnin,"Qingdao / 青岛", Digital photograph 数码照片, 2019.

Leire Lacunza,¡Qué calor!  多热啊! , Digital painting 数字绘画, variable size可变大小, 2019.

Leire Lacunza,,I came back from Qinhuangdao  我是从秦皇岛回来的  , Oil painting on fabric 在织物上的油画 , 125x86cm, 2019.


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