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Christine Lee Tyler(美国) 个展“人类的傲慢”

[2017-6-27 14:10:27]

Christine Lee Tyler(美国) 个展人类的傲慢

"Human arrogance" Christine  Lee Tyler (USA) solo exhibition



City: Beijing


参展艺术家/ ArtistChristine Lee Tyler 克里斯蒂娜·李·泰勒(美国)



Opening:  june 20th 2017 3:30 pm


展览时间:2017620 ~ 2017630

Show time: june 15th 2017 - june 30th, 2017


地点:北京怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村 上苑艺术馆二号展厅

Venue: Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing



Organizer: Shangyuan Art Museum











Christine Lee Tyler

Date of show: 6/20/17

Title of show: Human Presumptions (works on paper)


Artist Statement: In Human Presumptions, Christine Lee Tyler uses various iconography, symbols and patterns to create a composition that has a loose-based narrative that may be reduced to presumption. The intent is to allow the viewer to create their own dialogue in all of these works. Christine purposely uses haunting and vague human-like forms that can be perceived as spiritual and/or emotional. Throughout this series, she utilizes ancient and modern imagery that is derived from places she has visited in China, Europe and her home, the United States.


Christine is engaged in the mystical aspects of humankind. Her work combines historical and globalized pictorials, markings and iconography. She uses various media and patterns that contain recognized symbolism, cultural reference and represent disparate time periods to create an identifiable semiotic.


Christine holds an interest in exploring the history of human identity through visuals and symbols. She researches images that can be identified with a certain territory, religion, class, family relation and/or political party. Conjointly she works with iconography that have no affiliations or are obscure and can be related to any given group. She creates a sense a visual exploration of the unknown by working with such imagery and bridging the ancient to the modern.



北京 上苑艺术馆-  电话: 010-60635299 60635757

上苑艺术馆官网 http://www.syartmuseum.com/

文学艺术国际联盟(简称:国际文盟)网 Website: http://www.inlac.cc/



京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行到底>右拐300m路北 



【现场】 Luz Peuscovich(阿根廷) / Eliza Wapner(美国) 双个展在上苑
从迪拜到北京-Maisoon Al Saleh阿联酋女艺术家个展
【现场】 Ruth Fernandes(以色列)个展在上苑艺术馆举办
【现场】 “家” Yulia Volkova(俄罗斯)个展在上苑艺术馆举办
【现场】“無定向” Daniel Miller(美)王刘建(中)邹彧(中)三人
【历届名单】 上苑艺术馆“国际创作计划”驻馆艺术家  
【现场】 欧洲当代艺术双年展 唯一参展的中国艺术家尹顺志(上苑2013年驻馆艺术家)