【现场】 Luz Peuscovich(阿根廷) / Eliza Wapner(美国) 双个展在上苑
[2017-6-26 11:32:27]
City: Beijing
参展艺术家/ Artist: Luz Peuscovich(阿根廷) / Eliza Wapner(美国)
Opening: june 25th 2017 3:30 pm
展览时间:2017年6月25日 ~ 2017年6月30日
Show time: june 25th 2017 - june 30th, 2017
地点:北京怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村 上苑艺术馆二号展厅
Venue: Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing
Organizer: Shangyuan Art Museum
Luz Peuscovich作品




作品完工后作者露丝·佩斯科维奇(Luz Peuscovich)与作品合影

上苑艺术馆2017年的驻馆艺术家的作品很多都不一定是在展厅里展示与制作,如阿根廷的驻留艺术家Luz Peuscovich的一些作品就在大自然中进行(艺术馆后面的燕山脚下)。
露丝·佩斯科维奇(Luz Peuscovich)
Luz Peuscovich
// Visual Artist // Curator and Cultural Manager // Astrologer // Builder and collector // Argentina
My work is a continuous research on the perception of the senses in space, on the body in certain contexts, the experiences kept in our memory and in our subconscious, human-nature integration, native cultures’ architectures and the environmental realities of the places I visit.
The materiality is essential: different objects collected from nature, wooden or reed structures and of textile materials (threads, wools and ribbons).
The process starts traveling in order to explore the territory, to get to know the particular qualities of their ecosystem and to carefully collect the materials. Thus, a combination of particular information of each place comes up: the own shapes of the objects we come across, as well as climate, environmental, and social situations. These dimensions are there in every place and they inevitably emerge while getting in touch with their inhabitants, making me commit to them in some way.
These experiences as a whole, end up in the development of installations: symbols and configurations of shapes; habitable, immersive and floating spaces
The SHELTER, as well as life in a COMMUNITY and the search for SUSTAINABILITY, is the main concept of my work. It has been through that reconnecting-with-nature (and its shapes) approach that the research brought me closer to the native communities in order to witness the bond they have with their natural world and to see in their habits (as in ours) the sad domestication of capitalism, and the huge complexity that implies living in a system which does not take into account the costs of consumption and waste.
As time passes by, these trips of collection and the subsequent installation construction clearly come up as ways of interweaving points of view and amplifying my perception.
Appreciating the objects, I find, linking similar materials coming from different places, and, at the same time, coming across the same human reactions here and there, have opened my interest to an integration point: feeling the bio-diversity that surrounds us to visualize the bond we have with our planet and question our way of inhabiting it.
Is a site specific installation for Shangyuan Art Museum.
Its three levels represent three strata of life: the spiritual at the top, the political at the center, and the social at the base. Inside is a symbol of awaking representing the call of nature.
This is a morphological study of space. Its form is a symbol of the feminine force, a force which commands the opening of the senses.
伊丽莎·瓦普勒(Eliza Wapner)/美国

Eliza Wapner
This current body of work focuses heavily on the healing process- what it means to heal and how we do it. We all have different ways of healing from a dramatic event; some push the incident far back into their mind and don’t talk about it for years, some talk about it incessantly to allow themselves to process it out loud, some find solace in distractions or people, yet others find it within contemplation. While healing brings about strength and fulfillment when finished, the process is often hard and there is a tension between these two feelings. This work uses material and process to explore this tension.
In many of the pieces I have used natural dyes (madder root, safflower, and purple gromwell root) that are also used in traditional Chinese medicine to create color and form. By using this medicine, the subsequent piece of work represents its healing properties connecting my own health history with the piece. In the installation “Blood Memory,” I explore a blood disorder that I had as a child. Madder root is a medicine that helps clotting in the blood, the problem that I had as a kid. I dyed the first half of the installation with madder root and the second with my own menstrual blood. By mixing these two together I am recalling my own blood history.
The usage of textile material is also important in these works. Cloth is warm and comforting and needed for survival, however it can easily be torn and destroyed representing a mix between strength and vulnerability. The knots present in the installation “Good Luck,” each represent a multitude of different things; first the process of creating knots allows for contemplation as does all repetitive action, secondly in China, traditional knots are often seen as good luck wishes, and finally they show an interesting balance between warmth and chaos.
These two pieces as well the rest of the two-dimensional works explore all facets of healing and both mental and physical health history within society and myself.
北京·上苑艺术馆 “国际创作计划”(艺术驻留) 常年接受申请
【现场】《在可说的这一切》毋蓬勃个展 21日在上苑艺术馆
【现场】“无人栖居” 王毅、闫科含双个展
【现场】 记忆:后视镜中的戏剧——上苑艺术馆主题项目展
【上苑艺术馆】 2009-2010驻馆艺术家作品价目表
北京 上苑艺术馆-107平米房屋转让-相关资料及实景图
北京 上苑艺术馆- 电话: 010-60635299 60635757
上苑艺术馆官网 http://www.syartmuseum.com/
文学艺术国际联盟(简称:国际文盟)网 :Website: http://www.inlac.cc/
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□京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行到底>右拐300m路北