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Brackets_沙浴口’Lee Seungjae 个展12日在上苑艺术馆

[2015-9-8 14:52:42]

Brackets_沙浴口’Lee Seungjae 个展12日在上苑艺术馆

主  题: 光,空间与时间,观念摄影。日常生活是意义和审美的起点,它从重复和差异开始。

艺术家:Lee Seungjae(韩国)

时  间:9月12-15日,


主办 单位:上苑艺术馆






Current Work Description In Shangyuan Art Museum


Lee, Seungjae

My work is about light, space and time. These three components are the most fundamental things in photography. With these components, I would like to approach my daily life. Following the flow of lights and time of trivial daily scene of my room that is the most familiar space to me is the main method of my work. I took pictures 24 times (every one hour) a day during 7days in same exposure value. And arranged these pictures chronologically.  

In our life, we are getting through lots of things. It could be socio-economical revolutions, personal rite of passages, conflicts in between people, death of parents or spouse, or giving birth to a new life. We have to get through all of these events. Buy the way, behind these all of events there is our daily life. Even though how massive revolution evokes, as a individual, we have to live our daily life. You have to go to sleep in side of the walls of your room, and have to get up inside of that also. That is non-changing conditions of your life. That is the reason of importance of our daily life.

The goal of my work is to have a point of view of aesthetic to the daily scene. In order to achieve goal, I have to ask my self about the starting point of meaning and aesthetic. In my opinion, it starts from the repetitions and differences. I tried to show the wall that we see everyday is not the same wall through my photographical performance.

Also, I tried a new method here in Shangyuan Art Museum. It is matching few photographs that were taken on the road of this district 沙峪口 with the pictures of my room’s wall or floor. By arrange and match these pictures I expect to expand the point of view to the outer world.


上苑艺术馆-官方网站, 文学艺术国际联盟英文网站, 北京文艺网, 艺术数据网, 艺术国际网, 99艺术网, 雅昌艺术网, 当代艺术社区ART-BA-BA中国雕塑家网 新浪上苑官博, 中国美术家网, 卓克艺术网, 中国摄影网, 中国拍卖网, 当代艺术网, 中国搜索网, 中国当代艺术网



EDUCATIONM.F.A., Photography, Hong-ik Univ., 2013M.A., Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Korea Univ.. 2010B.A., Psychology, Korea Univ., 2006 RESIDENCYBaltic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Poland, 2014SOLO EXHIBITIONBrackets_Ustka, Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Poland, 2014Where You Are, Gallery NUDA, Daejeon, Korea, 2013Familiar Difference, The K Gallery, Seoul, Korea, 2013GROUP EXHIBITIONBE MY SANTA CLAUS(Charity Party), Beyond Museum, Seoul, Korea, 2012In-Sight, HOMA, Seoul, Korea, 2012Post-Photo, Gallery Gong Art Space, Seoul, Korea 2011ASYAFF, Hong-ik Univ., Seoul, Korea, 2011MEDIA COVERAGESajinyesul; The Monthly Photographic Art Magazine, June, 2013“New Generation”, pp86-89Korea Uviv. Alumni News, Feb, 2012


上苑 & 鸟巢-文学艺术国际联盟(简称:国际文盟)

International Network of Literature and ArtINLA

电话: 010-60635299 60635757

Website: http://www.inlac.cc/


□京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行到底>右拐300m路北


Bird’s Nest Cultural Center has 15,000 square meters’ construction area. It is an important component of the architectural space of Bird’s Nest. The cultural center, based upon the architectural characters of the National Stadium/Bird’s Nest, strong Olympic spirit and unique brand culture, is now completing the role as a high end facility for cultural events and conferences which Bird’s Nest lacks as an outdoor sport stadium.


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李化猛(绘画 北京)
【现场】Brackets_沙浴口’Lee Seungjae 个展12日在上苑艺术馆