[2015-9-1 8:30:22]
Wang Qing Xiang:WUXIANG
Wu Xiang is a concept that has no equivalent in the West. It is innately Chinese, though no Chineseperson has ever been able to clearly define its meaning for me. Like many Chinese concepts, it appears tohave had its origins inextricably linked to calligraphy, and then grown to takeon broader meanings. It encompasses the idea of the space between things andthe idea of nothingness. It is aparadox. How can something be somethingand be nothing?
AbstractExpressionism developed in post WWII America and remains a major form ofexpression. Its origins, though, laygenerations earlier with Freud, Carl Jung and European surrealism. Here, the spontaneous act of paintingconnects directly with the unconscious mind without the intermediate need ofrecognizable imagery. Wang Qing Xiang’s dynamic new paintings and installations are firmly rooted in thistradition. Spread out on the floors andwalls of his gallery exhibition we feel the high voltage energy of Basquiat andthe formalism of Luca Fontana.

“WUTI 1” is a three panel painting hung tightly at eye level and its companionpiece, “WU TI 2”, is set slightly apart on the floor, leaning against thewall. The energy vibrates between thetwo paintings. Blocks of white balance onblack, the drip marks shifting direction from north to south in alternatingpanels like some compass gone haywire. The drips and splash marks strike aperfect balance between spontaneity and control, their linear forms culminatingin the white lines of a found object affixed to the canvas. This found object is the blade guard from asmall fan in Qing Xian’s hot summer studio. One quickly notices that no object within his reach was safe frombecoming incorporated into his paintings. Some lines are not drawn with paint but are actually bits of wire,electrical cords and string with their accompanying shadows.

Thesense of spontaneity and control continues across the floor with an untitledmulti-panel installation sprawling across 12 meters of pristine whitecanvas. 15 small paintings are strewnupon the ground, some face up, some face down. Here again string and wire with their complimenting shadows echo thelinear marks of the paintings, figuratively tying the separate unitstogether. There is a lyricism that onewould not expect to find in this visual cacophony. There is a sense of imposed order on thechaos, and a sense of elegance between the cool white and the frenetic smallpredominately gray and black panels. “WUTI 7” (all the pieces in this exhibition share the same title) is a violentlyslashed canvas. The edges of the tornfabric are pulled and aggressively stitched, but like Humpty Dumpty couldn’t beput back together again. Behind the still gaping wound is paper, holesrhythmically punched in it. The canvas,the string stitching, the ragged edges of the punched paper and the partiallyvisible wooden support all interact and interconnect via the shadows they cast,their transient nothingness describing the space in between.
ViewingWang Qing Xiang’s new works, we are witness to that space between feelings andactions, that space which is momentary and fleeting and which is both nothingand something very real and beautiful.
马赛克 Christopher Pelley
Beijing 2015
马赛克(Christopher Pelley)美国纽约人,亚利桑那州州立大学Bachelor of Fine Arts 美术学士,上苑艺术馆2014-2015驻馆艺术家。现为上苑艺术馆驻馆画家、跨界艺术批评专员。

无题3 150x1500cm 现场装置 1 2015年
无题3 150x1500cm 现场装置2 2015年

无题4 70x90cm 综合材料 2015年

无题5 60x90cm 综合材料 2015年

无题6 160x300cm 综合材料 2015年

无题8 150x400cm 综合材料 2015年

无题9 90x90cm 综合材料 2015年

无题10 120x160cm 综合材料 2015年

无题11 100x120cm 综合材料 2015年

无题12 100x130cm 综合材料 2015年

无题13 30x40cm 综合材料 2015年

无题14 70x90cm 综合材料 2015年

无题15 70x90cm 综合材料 2015年

无题16 100x130cm 综合材料 2015年

无题18 100x120cm 综合材料 2015年

无题19 100x120cm 综合材料 2015年

无题20 70x90cm 综合材料 2015年

无题21 70x90cm 综合材料 2015年
2015 参加北京上苑国际艺术馆驻馆艺术家亮相展
2015 参加上苑国际艺术馆驻馆集体活动 “从上苑到鸟巢”。
2015 参加怀柔区艺术联盟会
上苑 & 鸟巢-文学艺术国际联盟(简称:国际文盟)
International Network of Literature and Art(INLA)
电话: 010-60635299 60635757
Website: http://www.inlac.cc/
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