一路三人行(朱亮 赵勖东 王旭)作品展Three Men Walking Along
[2012-10-16 6:42:47]
一路三人行(朱亮 赵勖东 王旭)作品展Three Men Walking Along
Group Exhibition of Zhu Liang, Zhao Xudong and Wang Xu
程小蓓 Cheng Xiaobei
朱亮 赵勖东 王旭Zhu Liang, Zhao Xudong and Wang Xu
北京 Beijing
2012-10-20 下午4:30pm
2012-10-20 至 2012-10-27
上苑艺术馆 一层
+86 10 60635299
On the way of the easel painting, there are three men walking alone, they like three half-lines, each of them directs towards a different direction. From aimless boundary, they finally simultaneously came to Shangyuan Art Scene. In this place, they met each other, became acquainted with each other and have been inspired by each other which leaded to new creations.
Zhu Liang: After 5 months in Shangyuan, he has created a serial of works which lightened my eyes. Some very simple, imaginary creatures or issues have been carved on the board. At first glance, they show a roughness that only belongs to man, but with a closer look, you could find that every line he carved is necessary and irreplaceable. When they have been printed on papers and colored by brushes. You will see those colors with the line and net of the carving showing a totally different image. Those different forms of images, like a couple of new created creatures of the universe, they might create new life by themselves. We do not know what we should expect.
Zhu Liang has a unique diligent, peaceful and romantic characteristic which belongs to men from southeast part of China. He will put a dead tree in his studio which has been carefully pruned and putted it in the corner under the window; and sometimes he will put a bulrush, which he picked up from the mountain, into his vase. His studio is not just a place to work, but also a place to live, to enjoy life. His works will not let you down.
Zhao Xudong: During his few month in Shangyuan, if you have ever seen a half-naked man with a water bottle in the hand and a pack on the back walking in haste, that would be him. He does not talk too much; he only speaks when someone’s work has touched him. This is a very rare quality in China since we have the tradition of scholars tend to scorn each other. His eyes, full of expectation, is always searching for something, he has this perplexed urge to wander. Most of his time, he was just working alone in his studio.
上面这一百多字的人物速写,一定会在你脑海里呈现出一个形像,那么请再加上你的想像力和穿透力,把这个人物速写搬到他的画布上—— 一个被困在荆棘中、山洞里、河岸边的……,压抑的、挣扎的、有点自虐、有点暴露痞的青年,正带着期待,在寻找着出路……。这是他想明白了之后要的画面吗?请不要这样问他。他的画更多呈现的是一种潜意识的、一种自慰式的、生命隐秘的倾吐。作品链接:http://www.syartmuseum.com/chinese/article.asp?id=2988
The description above must have formed a vivid figure in your head about Zhao Xudong. Then please combine this figure with your imagination and put him inside of brambles, caves or on the bank of a river. This young man with a little depression and exhibitionism is looking for a way out. Does he clearly know what he wants to paint? Please do not ask him this kind of question. His paintings more likely show his subconscious, self-comforting story of his life’s meaning.
Zhao Xudong: During his few month in Shangyuan, if you have ever seen a half-naked man with a water bottle in the hand and a pack on the back walking in haste, that would be him. He does not talk too much; he only speaks when someone’s work has touched him. This is a very rare quality in China since we have the tradition of scholars tend to scorn each other. His eyes, full of expectation, is always searching for something, he has this perplexed urge to wander. Most of his time, he was just working alone in his studio.
Wang Xu: He is a complex of conflicts. Some of his beautiful ink paintings have the ability of sinking into your heart even you may only have a glimpse of them. In the meanwhile, some of his paintings have this heavy and struggling feeling that full of questions concerning the essentials of his life. He does not paint what he saw but what he felt. In his paintings, men are not men, objects are not themselves, and different forms of images’ relations have been entrusted by his emotions and memory.
Wang Xu grows up fast and has been a little bit premature. Even though he is only 25 years old, he can become friends with people of different ages. It almost seems like he undertakes too much burdens of emotions and responsibilities. Facing his painting, I asked myself: it has to be like this? But in this period of his life he does not have any options. He is still searching and exploring the world. And that’s the only way he could express himself. But this is already a very great starting point. I have faith in him, a man who face himself sincerely, a man who has a great talent of handling his brushes and colors, a man who is willing to dedicate his life to art, he will become a great painter someday in the future and that is what I believe.