【Scene】Tales on Garden: Zhao Juanjuan Solo Exhibit
[2018-10-7 19:52:11]
【Scene】Tales on Garden: Zhao Juanjuan Solo Exhibition
展览地点:北京 上苑艺术馆 A8工作室&二号展厅
Academic Director: Cheng Xiaobei
Curator: Zhang Yuyang
Organizer: Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum
Artist: Zhao Juanjuan
Open: Oct. 7th, 2018, 15:30
Performance: “LIVING” 16:00
Time: Oct. 6th to 12th, 2018
Location: Beijing Qiaozi Art Commune, Shangyuan Art Museum, A8 Stidio & Exhibition Hall No. 2
The garden is the spot of many events. As the garden of reality, it is the epitome of the cosmic order. Nevertheless, we dwell in our body, which is regarded as the garden of the soul.
Human being dwell in nature, as an objective existence, which is the site of the evolution of human civilization and a carrier with decisive significance. On the one hand, as an organic whole, the chaos and disorder of nature itself, has been connected with the source of human consciousness and internal spirituality. On the other hand, nature is endowed with a kind of humanistic value judgment, that is, nature is the basis of the real world, and as the spot and fermentation of human social development, numerous events come up here. In the context of contemporary times, nature, history, religion, scientific reason, social/political events interweave in the space-time field. They are constructed on some kind of physical and virtual structure, unfolding in an ambiguous way, or interweaving through a sort of dramatic transition. Zhao Juanjuan’s artworks "narrate" and "record" the events occurring in the site of nature directly and indirectly, reinventing and reorienting events with new perspectives, realism, and vision.
《边界花园》高清彩色视频(有声)3’01’’ 2018 (影像截图):
《纯白的和被赠与的》现成品 led灯 土壤 棉花 夜光漆 纸本油画 金属 水 强力胶 草 尺寸可变 2018年:
《大空间》PVC 石子 铁 土壤 纸 数码打印 油漆 尺寸约200X230X180cm 2018年:
《黑方块》铁 纸 数码摄影 微喷 100×80×35cm 2017年:
《看风景》数码摄影、艺术微喷、木、纸 尺寸:70×45cm(上下一组)2017年:
《平行日记:0513》塑料 木板 钉 数码打印 42x42cm 2018年:
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□京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行到底>右拐300m路北(艺术区大院)
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