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【上苑艺评】 艺术评论家 武少宁 : 刘和森水墨艺术的双核效应

[2022-8-13 11:09:24]

艺术评论家   武少宁:刘和森水墨艺术的双核效应 

Wu Shaoning:  The double core effect of Liu Hesen’s ink painting art


策展人: 惠书文

 Curator: Huishuwen

学术主持: 杨云   武少宁  

Academic Chair: Yun Yang   Wu Shaoning

开幕时间: 2022/8/06,15:30

Opening:On August 6, 2022, 3:30 p.m.

主办单位: 北京上苑艺术馆

Sponsor: Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing


Contemporary visual art research center of Guizhou Normal University

展览地址: 北京市怀柔区桥梓艺术公社上苑艺术馆

Location: Shangyuan Art Museum of Qiaozi Art Commune, Huairou District, Beijing

媒体支持:雅昌艺术网 百度新闻  搜狐新闻  日头条  凤凰新闻 腾讯新闻  一点资讯  网易新闻  uc新闻   艺术头条  360新闻     卓克艺术网    阿特艺术网













The double core effect of Liu Hesen’s ink painting art

Literary / art critic: Wu Shaoning

The predecessors of Chinese ink painting left an illusion to future generations, that is, the divinity of ink painting is higher than the transmissibility of painting language, so water The permeability of ink is endowed with boundless significance. As generations of artists grow and experiment, people It is found that besides the magic of media materials, there is another core of ink art, that is, the meaning of expression.People have found the significance of this kind of expression in the ink painting of artist Liu Hesen. Because he doesn’t think that the meaning of ink painting is only It only applies to the aesthetic principles of traditional ink painting that people are used to, so when he tries to break through these rules, he needs to Create a new painting context to prove the various possibilities of ink painting art in expression.

In fact, Liu Hesen has already consciously distinguished the right and wrong of a point of view, that is, who serves whom. Ink wash

It is a kind of artistic result to serve the performance of skills, and the result of all services for the display of skills is another matter, a different way It cannot be returned together.

Since Duchamp put the urinal into the palace of art, the world has ended the reality that art exists only by techniques, since From the rise of Pollock’s drop color style, the history of easel painting relying only on pen painting ended. Ink painting is the same, no matter

How magical or omnipotent it is, once it loses its expressiveness, it loses all its meaning. So, Liu Hesen  Sometimes the main connotation of ink painting is the regular abstraction, Sometimes it is the care and performance of physical reality, but there is no The subjective expression or rational realistic style is actually extending and deepening the expressiveness of ink painting art. He put the meaning of ink and wash  After the demystification of meaning, it returns to the attribute category of materials, which is subordinate to contemporary art’s emphasis on ideas and the use of all materials

The principle of expressing subjectivity has achieved complete correspondence.

Therefore, Liu Hesen has a series of constructivist works expressed by the touch or accumulation of ink, and these works are not because of him  It subverts the conventional rule that ink only paints landscapes and flowers and birds, and seems to lose the charm of ink. So, through The fact that Liu Hesen’s experimental ink painting is constantly enhancing its expressiveness tells people a simple truth that art is only in constant experiments And iteration can continue its vitality.

The fact that China’s ink painting art was selected for the Fifth Asian Art Biennale 2022 in Fukuoka, Japan, can prove that China’s ink painting art has given the world Cognition should be changed, and artists such as Liu Hesen, who is young and supported by modern knowledge, should more convey a sense of Information, that is, Chinese ink painting art, is not only a unique art, but also compatible with all cultures in the world The art of alienating aesthetics.

展览现场/Exhibition site








作品选登/Selected Works


《新实验水墨画地为牢系列11》 纸本水墨  60 x80cm     2019   


《新实验水墨画地为牢系列12》   纸本水墨  50x50cm    2019


《新实验水墨画地为牢系列15》 纸本水墨  50x50 cm   2019



《新实验水墨画地为牢系列16》 纸本水墨  50x50cm   2019



《新实验水墨画地为牢系列17》 纸本水墨  50x50cm    2020



《新实验水墨日常史诗系列物语1》 纸本水墨  150x200cm   2018


《新实验水墨日常史诗系列物语2》 纸本水墨  150x250cm   2018


《新实验水墨日常史诗系列物语3》 纸本水墨  150x150cm   2018


《新实验水墨日常史诗系列物语4》 纸本水墨  150x250cm   2018


艺术家 |Artist



2017年 “情绪”五月/ 刘和森双个展  中国  昆明创库源生坊画廊
2022年  物语  刘和森作品展  中国  北京上苑艺术馆

2017    第四届《左西右东》中美优秀艺术作品大展  中国  上海
        “合订本  尚未完成”                中国  昆明苔画廊
2018年  猎质国际当代艺术双年展  中国郑州彩盒子艺术馆  中山美术馆  古元美术馆  重庆目击者当代艺术空间
       上苑艺术馆2018国际创作计划<艺术驻留>开幕展   中国  北京
        意视界  全国当代绘画作品展    中国   天津滨海美术馆
2019年   无问西东 中法当代艺术邀请展   中国  上海
        悲剧的力量  北京当代艺术大展  中国  北京
        力度—首届中国表现主义绘画作品巡回展  中国 北京枫美术馆   苏州市梵融美术馆  上海世界您好美术馆
                 2019大艺家夏季展     中国上海  艺诺美术馆
2020年 第三届当代国际水墨设计双年展
       悟境----昆明雨花艺术沙龙 纽约邀请展     纽约
2021年 洄游之路  中外艺术家交流展    北京798美颂画廊
       后浪艺术节       北京798  悦美术馆
2022年  2022日本福冈亚洲艺术双年展    日本  福冈亚洲美术馆

Liu Hesen
Born in Yunnan
Graduated from oil painting studio 4 of Yunnan Academy of Art
Solo exhibition
2017 "mood" may / Liu Hesen double solo exhibition, Kunming chuangku yuanshengfang Gallery, China
2022 story Liu Hesen works exhibition, Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China
Major exhibitions
2011 Chengdu, China · 2011 national young artist Nomination Exhibition Chengdu Art Museum, China
In 2014, Kunming "arrived as scheduled" Art Gallery of Yunnan Normal University, China
In 2015, Kunming "arrived as scheduled"
Xi’an artists’ works exchange exhibition Xi’an, China
2017 new forces of art exhibition of young artists Kunming Cultural Museum, China
The fourth "left West, right east" Sino American excellent art exhibition, Shanghai, China
"The bound edition has not been completed"
Kunming moss Gallery, China
2018 Hunter quality International Contemporary Art Biennale, Zhengzhou caiboxart Museum, China, Zhongshan Art Museum, Gu Yuanmei
Art Museum Chongqing witness contemporary art space
Shangyuan Art Museum 2018 international creative program < art residence > opening exhibition Beijing, China
2018 international creative program of Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum < art residence > resident artists
Yishijie national contemporary painting exhibition Tianjin Binhai Art Museum, China
2019 Wuwen West East China France Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition Shanghai, China
The power of tragedy Beijing Contemporary Art Exhibition Beijing, China
Dynamics - the first Chinese expressionist painting tour exhibition, Feng Art Museum, Beijing, China, Suzhou fanrongmei
Art Museum Shanghai World Hello Art Museum
2019 Summer Exhibition of great artists Shanghai Yinuo Art Museum, China
The third contemporary international ink painting design Biennale in 2020
2020 Wujing ---- Kunming Yuhua Art Salon New York Invitation Exhibition New York
2021 migration road Chinese and foreign artists Exchange Exhibition Beijing 798 Meisong Gallery
Houlang Art Festival Beijing 798 Yue Art Museum 2022 Asian Art Biennale in Fukuoka, Japan 2022



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