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[2019-11-12 5:50:20]


The Mirror of Math, Pamviles Solo Exhibition


展览信息 Information

艺术家/Artist:炫名 Pamviles

开幕/Opening:2019.10.5| 15:30


主办/Organizer:上苑艺术馆 Shangyuan Art Museum

地点/Location:北京市怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村上苑艺术馆二号展厅 ShangyuanArt Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing




01海报 (1).JPG

Mathematics is a pure world independent from the physical universe. When I use math to create different code systems for art, I am attempting to construct a completely new world in a pure form, a mirror of the physical world that we live in. In this new world, there is no trace of tangible living things, and existing instead are abstract expressions of feeling and reason, and the blurring or struggles between them. Within these artworks, the use of code symbolizes the constant law of our physical world and the various inherent methods of comprehending our reality.

In the exhibition venue, there is a large-scale interactive maze composed of my code. When the audience enters the exhibition, they also enter the mirror of math. The structure of the maze, to some extent, symbolizes a life of the unknown. The path of life is never a straight line; it is like an intricate maze with detours and, at times, walls with no way forward. It is in this complex journey, that we try to find the meaning of life.


展览现场 Photos from the Exhibition


On October 5, 2019, artist Pamviles has his eighth solo exhibition in Shangyuan Art Museum in Beijing. As a resident artist of Shangyuan art Museum in 2019, Pamviles has created a series of new artworks and presented them in this exhibition. What stands out is that he has drawn an interactive maze in the whole venue of the exhibition hall, which is constituted by one of the codes he created.


In this maze, besides there’s some hidden message behind the code, there is, as in his art, a symbolic significance. As you go along the maze, you will encounter mirrors on which you will see various questions that change gradually as you go through the maze. "what is reality?" ", " what to live for? ", " what is the end?” ,etc. They seem to represent questions raised by different stages of life, from birth to death. The position of the mirror is also very interesting, it seems that only when you take a detour or walk to the corner can be able to reach them, it seems to be a symbol of the journey of life, only when you are no longer running toward one direction all the time, when you encounter frustration or idle down will you beging to reflect on or questioned your life.


In addition to the mirror, there are some blank white papers; all the same size as the mirror which has words on, when you expect to see the similar written words again but only find out there’s nothing on it, it gets a little disappointing. It seems to symbolize that sometimes you might try and get nothing.


At some point in the maze, you come across a square platform labeled "The forsaken questions," and boxes on the platform are filled with questions that have been asked but are quickly taken up and forgotten by your busy life. They include: "the meaning of life? ", " where should I go? ", " this is my goal?”, etc.


In our life, we will encounter a lot of choices, ask many questions, we would get confused and have doubts, we would also reflect our life and look back, maybe we try our whole life but never find the satisfied answer to our questions, and we work so hard but back to where we started, but it is in the pursuit, we may experience the meaning of life. The maze in this exhibition is not only a mirror of math, but also a symbol of life.

展览开幕 Opening

开幕现场观众参观 visiters in the exhibition:

炫名个人照 Photo of Pamviles:


Dinner with other resident artists

部分作品 Selected Artworks


《七彩的海洋The Colorful Oceans》,综合材料,60x80cm,2019

《祭坛The Altar》,综合材料,60x80cm,2019


《爱的缠绵The Lingering Love》,综合材料,50x70cm,2019

《平行世界Parallel Universe》,综合材料,50x70cm,2019

关于炫名 About Pamviles




Instagram: pamviles_art

艺术家炫名,在精神失常时找到了艺术,在爱的追求中创立了Apm数学定理, 曾身无分文地流浪过,也曾为心中的缪斯而去到成都并在那里生活了四年。在2016年,他的书《漂·绎:一个艺术家的疯狂、性、艺术与哲学》出版,讲述其故事、油画、诗作和哲学。至今他已在北京、成都、广州、东莞、深圳、欧洲等地举办过各种个人展览及艺术活动。









2016.4.23-5.16,“漂·绎” 个展,泰库文化创意产业园,东莞。







2018.1.25-2.5, WM画廊春节年度群展,成都。


2014-2016年间,先后分别在成都东郊记忆、凯丹广场、来福士广场、知白艺术中心、亨得利Salvatore Ferragamo、凯德天府,春熙路、宽窄巷子等地受邀进行现场油画创作并展览。





2018.9.10,在塞尔维亚接受RTV(Radio Television Vojvodina伏伊伏丁那电视台)和Zrenjanin Newspaper(兹雷尼亚宁报纸)针对在Zrenjanin Kulturni Center(兹雷尼亚宁文化馆)个展的视频采访。






Artist Pamviles found art when he suffered from a mental breakdown at the age of eighteen, ever since then art has become part of his life. At this moment he has had eight solo exhibitions and several group exhibitions and art activities in Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Beijing, Serbia and other various places, in addition to publishing a book of his stories, paintings, poetry and philosophy.

Pamviles’ artworks are related to life, mathematics, philosophy, society and many other subjects. When he was twenty, he created a mathematical theorem, Apm Theorem, of which he uses in his art practice. With his educational background of mathematics, his current artworks incorporate the form of codes as a major element of his art style. The codes he creates hide information within the paintings, like a map that leads to a hidden story.

Solo Exhibitions

2019.10.5-10, “The Mirror of Math” solo exhibition in Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China.

2019.6.11-7.11, “The Art of Mathematics” solo exhibition in Langham Place Guangzhou, China

2019.3.9-14, “The Senary Labyrinth” solo exhibition in Harmony Art Museum, Guangzhou, China.

2018.9.8-14, “Sketching The Secret” solo exhibition in Zrenjanin Kulturni Center, Serbia.

2018.7.27 -8.8, "Code&Fantasy" solo exhibition in Dongguan Culture Center, Dongguan, China.

2016.8.26-9.4, “Math&Sex” solo exhibition in #3 Space, Chengdu, China.

2016.4.23-5.16, “Drifting in Life” solo exhibition in Taiku Space, Dongguan, China.

Group exhibitions & Other Art Activities

2019.8.11-18, Release Art International Invitation Exhibition, Tongze Art Museum, Beijing, China.

2019.7.20-10.10, Taicang·Sino-German Art Exhibition, Hismoon Gallery, Suzhou, China.

2019.6.18-28, Art Wanzhou·Contemporary Art Month, Guizhi Gallery, Chongqing, China.

2019.5.11-30, 2019 Shangyuan Residency Program Opening Exhibition in Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China.

2018.11.16-19, Exhibit in Art·Canton Contemporary Art Fair, Guangzhou, China.

2018.1.25-2.5, Exhibit in WM Gallery during the Spring Festival in Chengdu, China.

2018.01.27, Got invited as performer to Laowai Spring Festival Gala 2018 in Chengdu, China.

2016.05, An art sharing in Yi-Gather Society, Guangzhou, China.

2014-2016, exhibited and live painting in Kuanzaixiangzi Alley, Chunxi Road near IFS, Zhibai Art Center, Raffles City, Galleria Plaza, East Suburb Memory, Chengdu, China

Published and Media

2019.6.29, Report from TVS2 about Pamviles’ solo exhibition "The Art of Mathematics" in Langham Place, Guangzhou.

2018.10.12, Interviewed by Wanjian Newspaper.

2018.10.08, Story of Pamviles was reported by Dongguan TV Station.

2018.09.10, Interviewed by RTV(Radio Television Vojvodina) and Zrenjanin Newspaper in Serbia.

2018.08, Introduced by <Culture Weekend> magazine.

2018.07, interviewed by <Charming Wanjian>.

2016.12, Introduced by <HIGHLIFE> magazine.

2016.04, Book 《漂·绎——一个艺术家的疯狂、性、艺术与哲学》got published.

2010.11, Created a mathematical theorem, Apm Theorem.


【上苑展讯】Josh Gibbs(英国)个展:分散的角落
【上苑现场】Josh Gibbs个展:分散的角落
【公告】上苑艺术馆20年“国际创作计划”(艺术驻留)候选人名单 Shangyuan Art Mus