[2014-4-1 20:34:41]
Call for Nominations: looking for
talented artists . Exhibit your artwork to Shangyuan Museum of Art contemporary
从今天开始,不管你是艺术家,公务员,家庭主妇,农民,只要你认为自己的作品屌爆了,无论是绘画,装置,影像,行为,音乐,诗歌,舞蹈……任何一种艺术样式,带着你的作品和想法,来上苑艺术馆,不要怕怀才不遇,上苑艺术馆给你展示的机会。 来吧,这里人人都是艺术家。
Today , whether you are artist , official,
housewife or farmer , if you find that your artistic creation is the best in
the world , we expect you to Shangyuan Museum contemporaries arts! Come with
your work! We offer a place to expose your works !We accept all kinds of arts !
The video art , performance, music, poem , dance ... Here, everyone is artist !
Some words about us : at the foot of the
mountain Yan, lies a quiet space. Here,
some artists fanatic assemble at Shangyuan Museum of Art contemporaries . This
museum was built without government funding , without the commercial inversion.
All our funds for the construction came from our artists and our amateurs of
arts .
从2007年至今,上苑艺术馆为来自世界各地的五百多位艺术家免费提供了工作室和交流,展览场地。艺术委员会常务委员包括: 残雪、崔卫平、程小蓓、岛子、邓平祥、高名潞、胡赳赳、贾方舟、蒋浩、蓝蓝、孙文波、王华祥、西川、肖开愚、夏可君、徐唯辛、Patricia Briggs Ph。 D。 (美国Shangyuan Art Museum American
Art Consultant)、Urszula
Art Museum Arts)、Ludwika Ogorzelec(法国Shangyuan Art Museum Arts) 、Agnieszka Budyńska(印度Shangyuan Art Museum European
From 2007 Shangyuan Museum of Art
contemporary offered free the studios for about 500 internationals artists for
their artistic creations and also for an international artistic exchange . Here
are our commissioners arts :Canxue、Cuiweiping、Chengxiaobei、Daozi、Dengpinxiang、Gaominlu、Hujiujiu、Jiafangzhou、Gianghao、Lanlan、Sunweibo、Wanghuaxiang、Xichuan、Xiaokaiyu、Xiakejun、Xuweixing、Patricia Briggs Ph . D . (USA Shangyuan Art Museum American Art Consultant) , Urszula Wilk (Poland Shangyuan Art Museum Arts ) Ludwika Ogorzelec (France Shangyuan Art Museum Arts ) , Agnieszka Budyńska (Shangyuan Art Museum European Representative )
With a beautiful view , Shangyuan Museum of
Art contemporary is adjacent borough Huanrou , Changping and Shunyi . Our
principals pavilions are : Museum, exhibition halls , art workshop , hotel and
place of arts in open air. Around the entire museum, there are 21 workshops:
studio of time , Huangyan’s workshop, Sudan’ studio, Xichuan’s studio, Shen Shaoming’
workshop, Zeng Li’s studio, Jing
Yuming’s sculpture workshop , workshop sculpture of Yu Fan, and Jiang Jie’s sculpture
workshop .
The program will start from May 1st and
last for 3months. The program includes:
Art exhibition: We offer a 300-square-meter
exhibition hall with consecutive exhibitions. Each artist can apply for it to hold
a three-day exhibition (within 5 days including the preparation time). We won’t
charge you for any rent fee, but you need to prepare the exhibition and clean
the hall on your own. Please remember to make an appointment in advance since
it is available a first-come-first-served basis. Please don’t do illegal things
or damage the environment.
Act exchange: Our multi-media space will
open every weekend from 2pm to 6pm including two hours show time and two hours
exchange time. If you want to show your work here, you are supposed to finish
you show in 30 minutes.
Art performance: We will offer a
70-square-meter office for you where you can paint, set up devices, do action
art, sing, dance and do whatever you want. Everything happened in the office
will be recorded. And your office will be opened to the public for 24 hours.
Public space: Please feel free to muse or
walk in the public space as long as you don’t break the law or damage the hall.
Every artist and every artwork will be respected.
Concert, cinema: If you have a band, want
to sing a song or want to show a movie, you can find more space in the culture
creative squared near our museum.
Other space: You can yell out everything to
Mountain Yan behind our museum without reservation
Our museum will make public of the
excellent artworks by our official website and promote your work to art
institutions worldwide. We will run a poll to select the most popular works,
send them to more than 20 online media and hold more offline exhibitions.
An installation and contemporary dance project in 2011
Ludwika (France) participant residency program in 2011
cooperation with Chinese contemporary dance artists
上苑艺术馆经过十年的探索发展,上苑已在国内外艺术界享有了一定的声誉和影响力。开展了“国际创作计划”项目, 组织和接洽了世界各地的艺术活动——创作计划、学术交流、专题对话、展示展览、作品讨论、文学诗歌活动、艺术教育……。创立了“文学艺术国际联盟”(INLA) 。 10年里来自世界各地——美国、波兰、法国、德国、日本、韩国、印度、印度尼西亚、土耳其、澳大利亚、加拿大、墨西哥…尤其是中国各地的优秀艺术家,纷纷前往进行艺术试验与创作。因此形成了一个渐渐庞大的驻馆艺术家团体。提倡和推动在野的,以具有创造性与诗性语言特质的,和艺术家生存的“现在”相关的,真实生命体验为创作“冲动”的艺术创作。更注重跨界的艺术合作与推动,更注重对年青艺术家的扶持与成长互助。但我们不满足于这些成就,对未来有更大的期许,要扶持更加自由,更加开放,更加先锋的艺术形式,把上苑艺术馆建设成为一个孕育新艺术的孵化器。参看今年“国际创作计划” 驻馆艺术家入选名单。
地 址: 北京怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村
预约方式: 咨询:QQ1415430446,预约排期:,QQ243406117,QQ48378923;第3项不需约,24
交通指南: 北京东直门916路、942路到怀柔,转西3路-终点站(上苑艺术馆)
京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行即到
网 址: http://www。syartmuseum。com,http://www.inlac.cc/chinese/c1/
邮 箱: ssyuan@126.com
2012年波兰驻馆艺术家Urszula Wilk在上苑创作的软装置水墨作品
2012 Urszula Wilk (Poland)
Installation of ink and wash painting
project, achieved in Shangyuan residence program in 2012