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上苑艺术馆7月6日《视觉错位(Nishastaga )计划》六人作品展

[2013-6-27 8:27:30]

上苑艺术馆76《视觉错位(Nishastaga )计划》六人作品展


   CuratorR. A. Suri(加拿大)

参展艺术家 Artist马玉江、宋兮、战兴隆、刘涛、杨健杨欣嘉

展览时间 Duration2013-07-6~2012-07-16
开幕时间 Opening2013076 15:30 
开放时间 Working hours:周一至周日 10:00—17:00
  城市 City::北京 Beijing
展览地点 Venue:上苑艺术馆一号展厅 Shangyuan Art Museum — Layer
地  址:北京市怀柔区桥梓艺术社区 
主办单位:上苑艺术馆 Shangyuan Art Museum


前言(R. A. Suri):


在梵语中,Nishastaga,表达了一种当你进入新的空间或者区域时产生的视觉错位的经验。这种错位或者迷惘的感觉同时也会在现当代的艺术实践中遭遇。在历史失真和我们自己的集体性脆弱中,我在中国的语境下寻求一种颠覆性的根源,伴随着对探讨历史必然性的错误不断增长的兴趣。这种开创性的地下文学形象不仅界定了新的表达形式(不管是文字还是视觉语言的最新发展的结果), 更甚者,还启动了超越占支配地位的西方思维范畴的一种对经验直言不讳的检验。 视觉错位(Nishastaga ) 的地位是无定形的: 过程先于决心。借由这些说明我挑选了最能反映先驱的勇气及韧性的一些艺术家的作品,同时要求每一位艺术家反过来思考隐藏于时间之下的真理,并在策展声明的前提下-不论赞成或反对-找到灵感。这个策略是项经验性的运作,用意在于去进一步发掘影响力,并提出对抗我们这个嘲弄的时代的有力宣言。


The palest ink is better than the best memory.

  The Sanskrit term, Nishastaga, entails the experience of visual disclocation upon entering a new space or territory. This same sense of displacement or disorientation may reflect upon the situation of contemporaneity and artistic practice. In light of historical distortion & our own collective frailty, I have sought to elaborate on the origins of subversion in the context of the P.R.C., with an incrued interest to address the errors’ of historical imperative. The seminal figures of the literary underground demarcated not only new forms of expression (whether with the word or the later consequence of evolutions in visual language) yet furthermore, enacted an explicit examination of the experiential beyond the parameters of predominant Occidental thought. The position of Nishastaga is an amorphic one: process preceeds determination. In lieu of the didactic I have sought to select artists’ whose work reflects upon their predecessor’s courage and tenacity, asking that each in turn contemplate on the concealed truths of time’s passage and find their own inspiration (whether in agreement or in opposition) to the pretext of the curatorial statement. The strategy is an emperical excercise to further excavate influence and offer a pronounced statement against the travesty of our era.


著名诗人与优秀诗人 (张曙光)​
刘涛-2013年上苑驻馆作品《饥京Hungry Beijing》系列观念摄影
上苑驻馆艺术家董洁支教偏远小学——羊坝小学四一班 (“行为”十年之约)​ ​
Ludwika Ogorzelec(软雕塑 法国)
Urszula Wilk(Polish artist)