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美术 > 2013驻馆艺术家
Rajath Suri(艺术批评、加拿大人) (2013年上苑艺术馆驻馆艺术家) 拉佳R

[2013-4-6 18:58:35]

Rajath Suri(艺术批评、加拿大人)





拉佳·蘇瑞(出生: 1970年,蒙特利爾)是一個autodidact藝術家/策展人/評論家/詩人&

作家..他開始作為一個自由撰稿人在1987年獨立之後, 調查與研究中的社會政治實驗電影和戲劇。同樣地

一個工匠,藝術家及策展人,擔任助理署長為法國製造 格拉夫中心當代版畫(蒙特利爾) Isart獨立中心 當代藝術(蒙特利爾)

,藝術總監DDM的倉庫中心 實驗藝術(上海) ,他率先超過14展覽及活動由 2005-2006年的軸應急藝術家來自全國各地及東南亞地區的原位

創造。自獨立的項目包括藝術顧問/方向 當地和國際人士在當代與實驗藝術的 中國大陸。


他參與的電影和戲劇的工作使他在演唱會的藝術總監的中國和東南亞獨立電影節(蒙特利爾) ,潘Production Studio/



(蒙特利爾) ,歐萊雅小組德拉薩舞(蒙特利爾) 朱赫妮遨(上海) 。他出版了廣泛的專題舞踏,表演藝術的演變與物理劇院舉行。


版的文件(金)的S -審查新文學(馬賽) ,探索,出現了新的寫作/視覺試驗在東方,製作一個獨立的紀錄片及大量的新詩。



R A Suri (born: 1970, Montreal) is an autodidact

artist/curator/critic/poet & writer.. He began as a freelance

journalist in 1987 followed by independent investigations & research

in socio-political experiments in film and theatre. As an artisan ,

artist & curator, has acted as an assistant director for Les Ateliers

Graff- centre for contemporary printmaking(Montreal),

Isart-independent centre for contemporary art (Montreal), artistic

director for DDM Warehouse-centre for experimental art (Shanghai)

where he spearheaded over 14 exhibitions & events from 2005-2006 with

an axis on emergent artists from across S E Asia & in-situ creation.

Independent projects since include artistic consultancy/direction for

local and international figures in contemporary & experimental art

within the mainland of China.

As a literary figure and critic/editor, he has acted as

editor-in-chief for “Images: Revue Interculturelles” (Montreal),

associate editor for “Ruptures: Literary Review of the Three Americas”

(Montreal), the “Chinese Contemporary International Poetry Quarterly”

(Chongqing), “Ling Du”-(Zero Writing) Literary Samizdat Journal

(Shanghai), “Poetry Circle Quarterly” (Hong Kong) & “Sa Jiao” Literary

Review (Shanghai). He was featured as a principle editor for the 2004

Anthology of New Chinese Poetry in Translation (Chongqing), a seminal

project towards the promotion of new literature & poetry at an

international scale. He has acted as an associate editor of

“Yishushijie (Artworld) Magazine” since 2003. Since his arrival to

Shanghai in 2001, he is the author of over 140 critical texts relating

to contemporary art & performance published by both private and public


Regarding his own poetry, the seminal poet/performance artist of the

Neo-Avant Garde movement, Julien Blaine cites…’a poetic of exquisite

sensitivity…reminiscent of Giorno…with a profound sense of

spirituality belonging to neither the Occident nor Orient” & the NYC

based poet/video/performance artist Ellen Zweig…”a self-styled,

ecstatic lyricist”.

His engagement in film and theatre brought him to work in concert as

artistic director for the “Chinese and South East Asian Independent

Film Festival “(Montreal), Pan Production Studio/Barrandov Studios

(Prague), numerous documentary and television projects (BBC Channel 4)

& cultural editor of Shanghai Television/Shanghai Broadcast Network.

Contemporary Dance/Theatre works include his involvement in

productions for “The Other Theatre” (Montreal), l’Agora de la Danse

(Montreal) &“Zhu He Niao” (Shanghai). He has published extensively on

the topics of Butoh, performance art & the evolution of physical


Current projects include acting as a literary consultant & editor for

the forthcoming Pan-Asian edition of “Doc(K)s- Review of New

Literature” (Marseilles), an exploration on the emergence of new

writing/visual experimentation in the Orient, the production of an

independent documentary film & a

volume of new poetry.





中国墨之传统与艺术全球化 价值思考 大型东西方艺术家绘画语言对话展
2013年上苑艺术馆“驻馆艺术家作品亮像展”及艺术家主题演讲 将于4月10日开始-5月底结束 上苑