[2012-5-9 4:27:44]
2012年开始启动的上苑艺术馆与印度果阿邦艺术基金会的艺术家Theodore Mesquita先生、印度政府文化部新德里艺术家Rajan Fulari先生的共同努力,双方成功确定了非常有意义的艺术家交换计划。这是中国民间与印度艺术界建立起来的首个艺术家交换计划,具有非常深刻的意义。
Theodore Mesquita先生通过邮件表达了来自果阿的问候,由衷的祝贺郑志岩、张志刚两位艺术家获选并顺利通过签证。
1、 上苑艺术馆历届驻馆艺术家资格同等,任何驻馆艺术家均可提出申请;每年两名,轮流前往。原则上不重复。
2、 我馆推荐的主要原则是,有良好的个人品质和个人生活习惯。那些无视艺术馆贴着不准吸烟、不得将图书拿出馆等提示的艺术家,在推荐时将酌情考虑。
3、 有良好的责任心,能够保护好印度果阿邦艺术基金会所提供的遗产别墅,以及内设的家俱、艺术品不被损坏。那些离馆时将房间弄得一塌糊涂的艺术家,在推荐时将酌情考虑。
4、 有基本的语言交流能力和生活自理能力。
5、 前往印度的艺术家本人承担往返路费,印度果阿邦艺术基金会提供250美元生活费及四周时间的遗产别墅,以及绘画器材。但你在印度创作的作品将由印度果阿邦艺术基金会选择一幅无偿收藏。
6、 艺术家对自己的一切行为承担全部责任,上苑艺术馆只作组织与推荐工作。
19 March 2012
The Vice~Versa foundation is a nonprofit entity, based in Goa-India. It is constituted to promote, propagate and disseminate the visual arts globally. The Foundation’s vision encompasses: education, research, documentation, publication, presentation and a permanent display of its growing art collection. Eminent artist and authoritative scholars in their respective fields will be invited to present their works through the Foundations artist retreats, residency programs, seminars and workshops nationally and internationally.
Our Fellowship and Artist-in-Residence programs are dedicated to supporting artists regionally, nationally and internationally and promoting contemporary art. Fusing a regional character with a national and international perspective, the Foundation is a place where artists work, conduct research and where exhibitions introduce the broad public to a variety of contemporary art practices by artists from around the world.
Through the efforts of Mrs. Cheng Xiaobei, the Director of Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China and Mr. Théodore Mesquita Founder-Director from Vice~Versa Foundation, Goa, India we now successfully established a long term exchange program between us.
We hereby invite 2 (Two) Chinese artists above the age of 18, academically qualified in the Visual Arts, working in any or both the streams of painting and sculpture, chosen and nominated by the Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China for a 4 week residency each (one month), at one of our residencies from the 1st of May
2012 to 31st of May 2012. The Vice~Versa Foundation will provide the following:
1. Working artist studio space.
2. Private Bedroom and attached bath.
3. Fully self contained/ stocked kitchen and dining.
4. Access to Foundations Library.
5. Computer workstation and Wi-Fi access.
6. Laundry facilities.
7. Stipend of 125 USD for each artist (total 250 USD).
Art supplies, flight tickets from artist city/country, transportation and shipping to or from the program are not
The Participants are required to commit to a four week program and are required to live and work at the given residency.
Residents may participate in any of the critiques or workshops offered during their stay. Buses connect the
houses to the provincial and capital cities.