[2018-10-23 7:37:51]
Shangyuan Art Museum 2018 International Residency Program Annual Exhibition
参展人员:Alexander Höglund(行为、瑞典)、Cynthia Fusillo(装置西班牙)、Chris Hel(美国)、Carlos Carvalho(澳大利亚)、常鑫、Cata.González(智利)、底伞伞、Emilie Palmelund(行为、丹麦)、贺晋 、Hadi Lotfi(伊朗) 、Jake Blaschka (澳大利亚)、Joyce Rivas(哥伦比亚)、焦伟娜、Josh
Gibbs(英国)、刘柏林、琳子、刘和森、刘一、刘迎春、李念奴、梁哲 、聂以为、宓赫言、Mo
Sirra(荷兰A7室内设计)、濑尾登美惠(日本)、Polly Williams(澳大利亚)、Promiti Hossain(孟加拉)、任鹤、Rember Yahuarcani (秘鲁)、Seirin Hyung (韩国)、滕海英、谭勤、Viviana Druga(行为、德国)、王刘健、毋蓬勃、薛畅、杨先平、 雪芹子、詹明昭、赵涓涓、 张智罡
展览地点:北京市怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口 上苑艺术馆
Curators:Li Niannu, Tang Guo, Nie Yiwei
Participating Artists:
Alexander Höglund (Performance, Sweden), Cata González (Installation, Chile), Cynthia Fusillo (Installation, Spain), Chris Hel (US), Emilie Palmelund (Performance, Denmark), Hadi Lotfi (Sculpture, Egypt), Jake Blaschka (Installation, Australia), Josh Gibbs (UK), Joyce Rivas (Colombia), Polly Williams (Australia), Promiti Hossain (Bangladesh), Rember Yahuarcani (Peru), Mo Sirra (A7 Interior Design, Netherlands), Chang Xin, Di Sanan, Gu Hongqiang, He Jin, Jiao Weina, Mi Heyan, Tomie Seo (Japan), Li Niannu, Liang Zhe, Liu Bolin, Lin Zi, Liu Hesen, Liu Yi, Nie Yiwei, Ren He, Tan Qin, Teng Haiying, Wang Liujian, Wu Pengbo, Xue Chang, Xue Qinzi, Yang Xianping, Zhan Mingzhao, Seirin Hyung (Korea), Viviana Druga (Performance, Germany), Zhang Zhigang and etc.
Time:2018.10.27. to 2019.3.31.
Opening:15:30, October 27th, 2018
Venue:Exhibition Hall No.1 and No. 2, Shangyuan Art Museum
Address:Shayukou Village, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing.
其中有来自德国的艺术家Viviana Druga行为艺术“盲洗机”,她说,内在和谐是管理混乱外部世界的唯一途径。她提醒中国对污染的关注。
五月由Alexander Höglund(瑞典)和Emilie Palmelund(丹麦)组织的“筑巢之影”行为艺术,调动了馆内馆外诸多社会人,获得了广泛的参与与深入的互动。成为今年一场具有轰动效应的互动性艺术事件。他们在一处被强拆的废墟中,“家”已不复存在,但艺术家用仪式、用想像引领着人们进行追思,最后“家”似乎得以重生。详情:http://www.syartmuseum.com/chinese/article.asp?id=3766
Art Utopia never existed, yet artists never stopped looking for it. They have found some that might be close enough, one of which is located at the foot of Yanshan Mountains as the Shangyuan Art Museum.
Between April and October, Shangyuan have accommodated 61 artists from 38 different countries. They spend 7 months here to work and exchange ideas. 21 exhibitions were held, including performance art, group exhibition, solo exhibition, and etc.
One of the exhibitions was German artist Viviana Druga’sBlind Washing Machine,she says that the only way to manage the chaotic external world is through internal harmony. She wants to draw people’s attention to the pollution in China.
In May, Alexander Höglund and Emilie Palmelund organized a performance calledThe Shadow of Nest Building.They have mobilized many participants within and outside of the museum. Their performance has achieved great participation and interaction It has become a influential art event this year. They were inside a ruined site of a former building,Homewas already gone, but the artists, by using rituals, led the audience with imagination to recreateHome.
In June, we had an exhibition with profound significance, photos from a 3300 kilometers bicycle trip three decades ago. The members of the trip were all female photographers. From Chengdu to Beijing, they cycled 3300 kilometers, carrying simple, crude, and heavy photograph equipment. This time, we take these photos from the dusty archive to rediscover this great event.
In July, almost every week there was an exhibition, which made the audience’s eyes fully occupied. You can find out more information concerning these exhibitions in our website.
This 2018 International Residency Program Annual Exhibition is the summary of this year’s residency program. Dozens of strong-minded artists will present their works they made during the residency.
There is no common aesthetic standard that can judge them. As a group of rebels, the only thing that we know for sure is that each stroke of their brush, each movement of their body is originated from their soul. Most of artists, throughout their life, are poor, but they feel content from their spiritual life, and their freedom of mind is represented in their works. They immerse themselves in their artistic world, regardless of the world surrounding them. Their works are not only to explore higher artistic realm, but also act as the spokesperson and chronicler of their time. What they have contributed are only art and freedom, but their consciousness as artists.
By Tang Guo
Selected Works from the Exhibition
行为艺术 2018年5月19日,Alexander hoglund(瑞典)和 Emilie palmelund(丹麦) 《筑巢之影》
《无题》,服装 ,Carlos Carvalho, 巴西,2018
Untitled, Cloth, Carlos Carvalho, Brazil, 2018
《无题》,观念摄影,Cata González,智利,2018
Untitled, Concept Photograph, Cata González, Chile, 2018
《无题》,观念摄影,Cata González,智利,2018
Untitled, Concept Photograph, Cata González, Chile, 2018
《曛1》120×90cm 布面油画 常鑫 2018年
Xun 1, Oil on Canvas, 120x90cm, Chang Xin, 2018
《曛3》60×80cm 布面油画 常鑫 2018年
Xun 3, 60x80cm, Oil on Canvas, Chang Xin, 2018
《風景》 油畫 25x20cm Chris 柯瑞丁 Helser(美國)2018
Landscape, Oil, 25x20cm, Chris Helser (US), 2018
《風景》油畫 25x20cm Chris 柯瑞丁 Helser(美國)2018
Landscape, Oil, 25x20cm, Chris Helser (US), 2018
《母性1》,装置,Cynthia Fusillo,美国, 2018
Maternity 1, Installation, Cynthia Fusillo (US), 2018
《母性2》,装置,Cynthia Fusillo,美国,2018
Maternity 2, Installation, Cynthia Fusillo (US), 2018
《秋-6》200x150cm 底伞伞 2017
Autumn 6, 200x150cm, Di Sanan, 2017
《生命树》 装置 古洪强 2018
Life Three, Installation, Gu Hongqiang, 2018
雕塑 Hadi Lotfi 埃及 2018
Sculpture, Hadi Lotfi, Egypt, 2018
雕塑 Hadi Lotfi 埃及 2018
Sculpture, Hadi Lotfi, Egypt, 2018
《相爱的恋人》油画 90x120cm 贺晋 2018
Love Birds, Oil, 90x120cm, He Jin, 2018
《我和猫》油画 60x90cm 贺晋 2018
Me and My Cat, Oil, 60x90cm, He Jin, 2018
《自画像(上苑)》油画 100x150cm Jack Blaschka Australia 2018
Self-portrait (Shangyuan) Paint on canvas
《无题(和谐研究5)》纸上 32.5x43cm Jack Blaschka Australia 2018
Untitled (HexieStudy5) Paint on paper
Beijing Darkhouses Demolition/Reconfiguration (Feijiacun/Hutong Arrangment), variable/adjustable measurements, found tiles, cement, mixed-media, Josh Gibbs (UK)
Beijing Darkhouses (Hutong Arrangement), found tiles, cement, mixed media, 150cm x 250cm x 70cm, Josh Gibbs (UK), 2017
《北京暗房》(胡同搭配)雕塑装置 150cm×250cm×70cm、Josh Gibbs(英国)、2017
《動物》 紙本 鋼筆畫 42x30cm Joyce Rivas 哥倫比亞 2018
Animal, Ink Pen on Paper, 42x30cm, Joyce Rivas, Colombia, 2018
《動物》 紙本 鋼筆畫 42x30cm Joyce Rivas 哥倫比亞 2018
Animal, Ink Pen on Paper, 42x30cm, Joyce Rivas, Colombia, 2018
濑尾登美惠(装置 日本)60x65cm 风扇 卡纸 2018
Installation, Tomie Seo, Japan, 60x65cm, 2018
《曾有江山慰壯懷》137x70cm 紙本水墨 李念奴 2018
There used to be a landscape to consolate hero’s heart, Ink on Paper, 137x70cm, Li Niannu, 2018
《中心》布面油画 100x80cm 梁哲 2018年
Centre, Oil, 100x80cm, Liang Zhe, 2018
《山》布面油画 100x80cm 梁哲 2018年
Mountain, Oil, 100x80cm, Liang Zhe, 2018
《万物生》0.38彩色中性针管笔 37.8x52cm 琳子
Bloom, Color Rollerball, 37.8x52cm, Lin Zi
《老屋》蔡伦原浆手工宣纸 0.1针管笔 26x18.5cm 琳子
Old House, Rollerball on Xuan Paper, 26x18.5cm, Lin Zi
《真相系列-9》油画 110X150cm 刘柏林 2018
Truth Series - 9, Oil, 100x150cm, Liu Bolin, 2018
《我们要去向哪里02》装置 尺寸可变 刘柏林 2018
Where are we going? 02, Installation, Size Changable, Liu Bolin, 2018
《编织系列新山水 》综合材料 50x60cm 刘和森 2018
Textile Series New Landscape, Mix Material, 50x60cm, Liu Heshen, 2018
《找不到我自己》90.2x120cm 综合材料 刘一 2017
Cannot find myself, 90.2x120cm, Mix Material, Liu Yi, 2017
《沉默的注视》70x80cm 综合材料 刘一 2017
Silent Gaze, 70x80cm, Mix Material, Liu Yi, 2017
《时间与空间1》玻璃、银、釉料等 120x30cm 刘迎春 2018
Time and Space 1, Glass, Silver, and Glaze, 120x30cm, Liu Yingchun, 2018
《是什么让我们如此艰难的呼吸》35x50cm 布面油画 宓赫言 2018
What makes us breathe this hard, 35x50cm, Oil, Mi Heyan, 2018
《当你体验平庸之恶》100x80cm 布面油画 宓赫言 2018
When you experience the banality of evil, 100x80cm, Oil, Mi Heyan, 2018
《等量》40x60cm 布面综合 聂以为 2018
Equal, 40x60cm, Mix Material, Nie Yiwei, 2018
《俯视》40x50cm 布面综合 聂以为 2018
Overlook, 40x50cm, Mix Material, Nie Yiwei, 2018
油画 三联 15X40cm Polly Williams(澳大利亚)2018
Oil Paintings, 3 pieces 15x40cm, Polly Williams, Australia, 2018
综合材料 Polly Williams(澳大利亚)2018
Mix Material, Polly Williams, Australia, 2018
Promiti Hossain (孟加拉)纸上综合材料 30X30cm 2018
Promiti Hossain (Bangladesh), Mix Material on Paper, 30x30cm, 2018
Promiti Hossain (孟加拉)20x30cm 纸上综合材料 2018
Promiti Hossain (Bangladesh), 20x30cm, Mix Material on Paper, 2018
Jitoma, el Dios Sol, Acrylic on canvas, 50x80cm, Rember Yahuarcani (Peru), 2018
《太阳神西多玛》布面丙烯 50x80cm Rember Yahuarcani(秘鲁)2018
El Padre de los Alimentos, Acrylic on canvas, 50x80cm, Rember Yahuarani (Peru), 2018
《食物之神》布面丙烯 50x80cm Rember Yahuarani(秘鲁)2018
《拥》布面油画 80×100cm 谭勤 2018
Hug, Oil on Canvas, 80x100cm, Tan Qin, 2018
《围困》布面油画 100×120cm 谭勤 2018
Besiege, Oil on Canvas, 100x120cm, Tan Qin, 2018
Color Pallet Practice, each 74x26cm, Acylic on canvas fabric, Seirin Hyung (Korea), 2018
《调色板练习》每个 74x26cm 布上丙烯 Seirin Hyung(韩国)2018
《吮吸》系列 亚克力 486x56cm 滕海瑛 2018
Sucking Series, Acrylic, 486x56cm, Teng Haiying, 2018
《瘟》布面油画 195x150cm 王刘健 2018
Plague, Oil, 195x150cm, Wang Liujian, 2018
一个演员朋友 21 板上丙烯 50X50cm 毋蓬勃 2018年
An Actor Friend 21, Acrylic on Canvas, 50x50cm, Wu Pengbo, 2018
一个演员朋友 25 布上丙烯 80X160cm 毋蓬勃 2018年
An Actor Friend 25, Acrylic on Canvas, 80x160cm, Wu Pengbo, 2018
《游走于异度空间的蜉蝣生物》2幅 250x150cmm 布面油画 薛畅 2018
Plankton swimming in another dimensional world, 2 pieces, 250x150cm, Oil on Canvas, Xue Chang, 2018
《葬礼01》宣纸 墨汁 面 50X90cm 雪芹子 2018
Funeral 01, Xuan Paper, Ink, and Flour, 50x90cm, Xue Qinzi, 2018
佛迹—9 120x100cm 宣纸 墨汁 杨先平 2018年
Buddhist Relics 9, 120x100cm, Xuan Paper and Ink, Yang Xianping, 2018
佛迹—10 60x80cm 宣纸 墨汁 杨先平 2018年
Buddhist Relics 10, 60x80cm, Xuan Paper and Ink, Yang Xianping, 2018
《记忆流金》80x100cm 布面丙烯 金属箔 詹明昭 2018
Memory as Floating Gold, 80x100cm, Acrylic on Canvas with Gold Foil, Zhan Mingzhao, 2018
《呈瑞演》30x30cm 木板丙烯 詹明昭 2018
Cheng Rui Yan, 30x30cm, Acrylic on Wood, Zhan Mingzhao, 2018
《限制 A09》 0.65米×0.92米 布面综合材料 张智罡 2018
Limitation A09, 65x92cm, Mix Material on Canvas, Zhang Zhigang, 2018