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美术 > 2015候选人
Lee Seungjae(韩国,观念摄影)

[2014-12-31 20:20:05]

Lee Seungjae(韩国,观念摄影)


M.F.A., Photography, Hong-ik Univ., 2013
M.A., Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Korea Univ.. 2010
B.A., Psychology, Korea Univ., 2006 
Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Poland, 2014
Brackets_Ustka, Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Poland, 2014
Where You Are, Gallery NUDA, Daejeon, Korea, 2013
Familiar Difference, The K Gallery, Seoul, Korea, 2013

BE MY SANTA CLAUS(Charity Party), Beyond Museum, Seoul, Korea, 2012
In-Sight, HOMA, Seoul, Korea, 2012
Post-Photo, Gallery Gong Art Space, Seoul, Korea 2011
ASYAFF, Hong-ik Univ., Seoul, Korea, 2011

Sajinyesul; The Monthly Photographic Art Magazine, June, 2013
“New Generation”, pp86-89
Korea Uviv. Alumni News, Feb, 2012

  There are many kinds and levels of signs around us. And these signs influence us many ways, directly they implies what do we have to do, and do not have to do. In deeply, they become our obligations and prohibitions. These kinds of signs form our inner world.
  I want to research these kinds of signs. And recently I became to think a lot of things could be worked as a significant signs in our mind. 
So I divided these signs in three ways to approach.
From daily scenes; work named as ‘7days’
    There are enormous and direct signs from nature. Similar to sun rises and sun sets. It is order in diversity. This is very simple but powerful signs. And we cannot estimate timeless and massive things easily. In my opinion, one of the ways to capture something tremendous is look into trivial scenes from normal daily life. 
   You can see my way of dealing with this signs in my portfolio. I use repetition and subtle differences here. And I want to continue these works in your residency too.
2. From man-made circumstance; work named as ‘Signs’
   Actually my first idea of ‘Signs’ comes from here. In urban circumstance, we can easily find various signs. Road signs, traffic lanes, skid marks, marking of the car accidents, etc. These are obvious signs that we have to agree to live in this human society. 
   Also you can find my way of dealing with this signs in my portfolio. I compose photos on a big panel to make a kind of ‘mind map’. If I accepted to work in your residency, I want to make a ‘mind map’ of  Beijing from Shangyuan Village.
 3. From the cultural context; work named as ‘Photography’
   With these point of views, which keep make me think about the meaning of the every scene of life leads me to perceive totally different, but same old meaning of photography. All the scenes, that captured with camera become Images. And these Images are the consequence and cause of our culture. And I think this means exactly same things with signs. 
   In this context, photographic image is a symptom and also propaganda of our human   society. I want to concentrate on presenting these signs to get more persuasion power, and I think specific way of composing photos can break or weaken the relation between photos and image for a while and it makes to think or feel another things. This point is my major concerns of these days, and I think I can find some ways with fellows, experiences and programs of Shangyuan Art Museum. 
   My Idea is about changing the structure beneath photographic image. With my three ways of seeing signs as I mentioned previous, I would like to compose a big perceiving system and present them to the people. I’m expecting an exhibition, which is composed of my three levels of signs. It could have various forms.


Mehran Mesbah(美国加利福尼亚,架上​绘画)
Aline Ivars(法国,架上绘画)
Zofia Blazko(索菲亚,法国,绘画)​
朱鲲(朱连芳)绘画 中国吉林