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【上苑现场】一枚同名个展《一枚》/ Yimei Solo Exhibition YIMEI

[2019-9-5 22:41:50]


 Yimei Solo Exhibition YIMEI




2019.9.1.(周日)3:00 - 3:30 pm



展   期:2019.9.1 - 9.7

主   办: 北京上苑艺术馆

地    点:北京怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村 上苑艺术馆

【One Person’s Opening】:  

3:00-3:30 pm, Sept. 1st (Sun.), 2019

Audience’s entrance time: after the opening

Academic Host: Zhang Qiang

Duration: Sept. 1st to 7th, 2019

Organizer: Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing

Location: Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing














2019-08-18 于巴渝泓月丘十二云石阁


Poetry: Expectations in Despair (excerpts)

Poetry eventually becomes an image here with Yimei. It’s a smart and perceptive Yimei, but it’s a funeral of poetry. Because the smart and perceptive Yimei knows that if “Writing poetry after Auschwitz Concentration Camp is shameful” in the Nazi era, writing poetry is a lonely disease in the age of image consumption. It cannot cure loneliness, instead it becomes a virus that erodes your life. Poetry at present has been separated from emotions, leaving only "desire and soul", the former becomes cheap because it can be freely sprinkled, the latter needs divine touch and grows remote.

A look back at Shangyuan: Yimei’s lying under all living beings is not the world’s inclined romance, but the poet’s despair. Her poetry reading performance, so to speak, is a memorial to despair -- although despair, the description and record of despair can let us see the hidden expectations.

Zhang Qiang

Twelve Dolomite Chamber, Hongyueqiu, Chongqing

August 18, 2019


(About the author Zhang Qiang: Two Rivers Scholar, professor of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts,Honorary professor of UK Winchester School of Art, author of Zhang Qiang Art System in 40 volumes.)


Photos from the opening performance & its exhibition

一枚 “一个人的开幕式”:现场行为

Yimei’s One Person’s Opening Performance 


Yimei’s reading her poems to her solo exhibition & works

一枚撕自己的诗 Yimei Tearing Her Poetry Book



It’s both an ending and a new beginning. 

Performance elements: red roses,local purple & orange chrysanthemums, local leaves, Yanshan mountain stones, salt, torn pieces of Yimei’s poetry book and 6 pieces of candles/stands

当点燃蜡烛时 When candles were lit



The audience were watching ’One Person’s Opening’ upstairs 

观众入场看展 The audience entered the exhibition hall 


现场作品图 Photos of exhibited works 



Yimei’s closing ceremony of the solo exhibition | Shangyuan Poetry Reading Event 2019.9.5

网上留言 Online Comments


特别感谢行为现场协助Leire Lacunza和Irina Ideas,以及照片提供者: Estelle Magnin、李念奴、蓝京华、王虹懿 Special thanks to performance assistants Leire Lacunza and Irina Ideas, as well as photographers Estelle Magnin, Li Niannu, Lan Jinghua and Wang Hongyi


Thoughts after the opening performance & its exhibition

“梅花落了一地 就晚了”。













苏丰雷 2019.9.3

Review of Yimei Solo Exhibition on 1.09.2019

Yimei Wang, like a mountain, stands without standing, observes without watching, touches upon the palpable but invisible testaments of our times. Our flux, the reality that changes under the influence of so many ideas, constructs, constrains but at the same time freedom that today more than ever can make us feeling lost in so many choices. Yimei Wang’s photography pieces and her performances are inseparable part of the whole, through playful but deeply meaningful interaction between now and then, alive and dead she encompasses the ends of both spectrum. The atmosphere and the depth of communication between objects and Yimei as a channel, allude in a way to "A thing in itself" from a Kantian philosophy. There is a great distance and respect towards everything that surrounds her, she is giving the autonomy of life to objects, ranging from a chair to a window, to a mountain of the world behind each frame, behind each poem.

Yimei Wang constructs and then tears apart just because she can! Her Oneness allows it, as it transports us to the atmosphere of the rarified air all mountain peaks possess, or maybe the air possesses all the mountain peaks, it is a question of interaction of realities Yimei constantly poses. At one end of the spectrum she freezes in time the moments that are condensed with meanings in her photography, at other times she makes the inanimate alive, unfreezes the static nature of objects by interacting with and reading poetry to them. The appearance and disappearance chase each other in the eternal game of life, our quest to understand the relations between things that surround us are carefully bound in the interdisciplinary nature of her work.

A sense of solitude but not loneliness is emphasized in her photography pieces in this exhibition, communicating a wide range of subjects and commenting upon the society, nature and our planet, ancient sites, contemporary life always in haste of finding the purposeful moment, while she carries a cross through those moments in different poses and circumstances of life.

Objects are not there to just serve, they are alive in their presence, that Yimei honors. She reads her poetry to them and then further freezes in time through her visual language in photography, finally to culminate the whole process with the performance art, which again gets frozen in time with video recording. The nature of a circle and a cross permeate throughout her work both in thematic body and external execution.

A performance, a moment in time, a statement, carefully elaborated, towards the world that heavily emphasizes on the impermanence of life, with use of highly symbolic elements, salt to purify (water), flowers and leaves (wood) to bring us back to nature that fluctuates all the time between living and dying, stones (earth) and candles (fire) to transform with the sound of the falling stones that give life to a vibration (sound) marking a beginning.  

The sense of religiosity prevails in her artwork which is one of the strongest testaments that her work questions and goes deeply into the sense of being, penetrating all the way to the layers of nothingness where the circle closes and the Phoenix can rise from the Ashes yet again. 

Religiosity is meant here not in a sense of any of the religions but rather the feeling of awe upon entering the Sacred Place. 

Irina Ideas


1.在张强工作室给他和他画的石头读诗Reading Yimei’s poem to Zhang Qiang & his stone painting in his studio,2019.7.29

2.给Irina和她的画读诗Reading poems to Irina & her paintings, 2019. 

3.给王峰和他的画读诗Reading Yimei’s poem to Wang Feng & his painting,2019

4.给十字架读诗Reading Yimei’s poem to the cross,2019

5.给空椅子读诗Reading Yimei’s poem to an empty chair,2018

6.给铁轨读诗Reading a poem to the rail track,2019


1.红色布拉格 Red  Prague, 2017,Prague

2.纽约警察局 NYPD, 2017,NY

3.一枚孤独的星球 Her Lonely Planet, 2018

4.种我 Planting  Me, 2017

5.一枚躺中英边界线,深圳沙头角 Yimei’s lying on Anglo-Chinese boundary,Shen Zhen,2018

6.一枚诗新娘在天安门 Yimei Poetry Bride on Tiananmen,2018


一枚,本名王轶梅,摄影师、行为艺术家、诗人。上海对外经贸大学副教授,英国访问学者。《头发与世界的关系》:一枚摄影上海个展暨一枚诗歌朗诵会和研讨会,2016.4;美国纽约Art Centro双个展,2017.8;一枚诗行影集《我需要采取行动 在我忧伤前》由中国文联出版社出版,2017.9;上海浦东图书馆一枚诗歌与行为专场,2018.4;ArtBank微展多次,2018;获北京红门画廊“中国新锐艺术家驻地奖”,2018.6;北京上苑女诗人艺术展,2018.8;艺术外滩-中法当代艺术邀请展,2019.1;面向未来:首届秦皇岛当代国际艺术单年展,2019.4。现居上海。

Yimei, full name Wang Yimei
Photographer, performance artist and poet. Lives in Shanghai

2018 Received “the Emerging Chinese Artist Residency Award” of Red Gate     Gallery, Beijing

2018 Shangyuan Art Museum Women Poets’ Art Exhibition, Beijing

2018 Yimei Poetry Reading & Performance in Pudong Library, Shanghai

2018 ArtBank Online Exhibitions

2018 “Her Vision” exhibition, NL Art Museum, Beijing

2017 Yimei’s Poetry book with photographs I Need to Take Action before I Feel Blue published by China Literary Federation Press, Beijing

2017 Ten Artists’ Exhibition “We Are Here” in Mid-Hudson Heritage Center, NY

2017 Double Show in Art Centro, Poughkeepsie, NY

2016-17 “Pure China”-- National Tour Art Exhibition

2016 Her works exhibited in Shanghai Tower (the highest building in Asia) and on Bund18, Shanghai

2016 successfully held Link the World with Her Hair--Yimei’s Shanghai Solo Photography Exhibition along with Yimei Poetry Reading and Academic Seminar, Shanghai

Associate professor of Shanghai University of In’t Business & Economics, visiting scholar of UK


【上苑展讯】Gal.la Uriol Jané(西班牙)个展
【上苑展讯】匆忙的物质:Estelle Magnin(法国)& Leire Lacunza(西班牙)
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