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【现场】 Ruth Fernandes(以色列)个展在上苑艺术馆举办

[2017-6-27 15:26:44]

【现场】 鲁思·费尔南德斯 (以色列个展在上苑艺术馆举办

[scene] Ruth Fernandes (Israel) An exhibition held in Shangyuan Art Museum




City: Beijing


参展艺术家/ Artist 鲁思·费尔南德斯(Ruth Fernandes)(以色列)

展览时间:2017525 ~ 2017630
Show time: May 25th 2017 - june 30th, 2017


地点:北京怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村 上苑艺术馆二号展厅

Venue: Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing



Organizer: Shangyuan Art Museum





我的作品可以看作是对我周围环境的一种回应,作为驾驭它的层次和复杂性的驱动力。更重要的是,这些作品讲述了我无法用语言形式表达的个人和集体故事。 我出生于以色列,后来到美国开始新的生活,再后来移居到墨西哥,现在我在以色列埋葬了我的父母后定居在保加利亚。常量(再)定位和(再)沉降极大地影响了我作品中的记忆主题。通过艺术交流对我自己的存在和对生活的反思是非常重要的。



Artist Statement

   My works predominantly use the media of fabrics to express my artistic urges and ideas. Art for me is an emotional, dialectic, and poetic way of communicating with the spiritual, individual, the social realms. The art world opens the door for me to explore unlimited freedom of expression. My works consist of mixed media materials. I not only sew, embroider, and sculpt fabrics, but also create painted collages from discarded garments, cardboards, papers, plastic, and recycled media. My deep calling of using fabrics and textiles in my works comes from my unique early childhood of living with the Communal of Kibbutz and my special relationship with my mother who once a Kibbutz storekeeper was being responsible for distributing clothes to the Kibbutz community. It was the very moment when I discovered the diverse textures and endless colors of fabrics and became fascinated by the notion that memory is created by and creates materials. Since then, fabrics have become the primary medium to connect my creativity voyage with memory.

     My works can be seen as a response to my immediate surroundings, as a drive to navigate its layers and complexities. More important, those works tell personal and collective stories which I cannot easily express through linguistic forms. I was born during the establishment of Israel state, and then moved to United States with my husband and children to start a new life, and much later migrated to Mexico after the collapse of my family life, and currently I have settled in Bulgaria after I buried my parents in Israel. The constant (re)locating and (re)settling has strongly affected the subject of memory in my works. Communication through art is very vital to my very own existence and reflection on life.

     I believe that working with various types of fabrics and mixed media is a way of (re)producing and (re)presenting memory. Through the creation of manmade materials, and a continuous quest for the unknown, I contemplate and examine the individual and collective emotions as the key to unfold the complexity and uncertainty of humanity.


鲁思·费尔南德斯(Ruth Fernandes)展览现场 




北京·上苑艺术馆 “国际创作计划”(艺术驻留) 常年接受申请








【现场】《在可说的这一切》毋蓬勃个展  21日在上苑艺术馆

【现场】“无人栖居” 王毅、闫科含双个展

【现场】 记忆:后视镜中的戏剧——上苑艺术馆主题项目展




【上苑艺术馆】 2009-2010驻馆艺术家作品价目表





北京 上苑艺术馆-107平米房屋转让-相关资料及实景图



北京 上苑艺术馆-  电话: 010-60635299 60635757

上苑艺术馆官网 http://www.syartmuseum.com/

文学艺术国际联盟(简称:国际文盟)网 :Website: http://www.inlac.cc/


交通指南 :

□京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行到底>右拐300m路北



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