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Aija Rancane(拉脱维亚)音语舞互动在上苑艺术馆

[2016-4-25 9:59:19]

Aija Rancane(拉脱维亚)音语舞互动在上苑艺术馆






        当人不再能够体验到存在的神秘性,不再能够体验到美和激情的时候,人就开始生病。艺术作为人藉以体验神秘性,体验美和激情,探寻存在的无穷可能的途径,与人的生命力、健康和疾病有着重要的关联。对此,产生于德国的理想主义和神秘主义传统的人智学(anthroposophy)有十分清醒和系统的认识。在人智学基础上创立的华德福教育(Waldorf education)把艺术作为不可缺少的要素结合到从幼儿园到高中教育的始终。在人智学基础上还发展出了独特的艺术形式,包括绘画、音乐、舞蹈、建筑等。以人智学为基础的艺术普遍重视其对于身心疗愈的意义和效果。在这方面,音语舞作为一种用舞蹈和形体运动去呈现音乐和语言之美的独特艺术形式尤其突出。
        Aija Rancane是来自拉脱维亚的资深华德福教师和音语舞老师。她有语言学硕士学位 ,在拉脱维亚两所仅有的华德福学校任教三十多年。目前是拉脱维亚华德福教育师资培训的主要负责人之一。自2016年3月份以来她应邀在位于昌平辛庄的北京南山华德福学校带领音语舞工作坊。4月25号晚她将在上苑艺术馆与大家分享有关人智学以及艺术与教育和健康之关联的话题。


The world and the life have a mysterious dimension, and as a result, arebeautiful and meaningful. When we experience the mestery of the world and thelife no more, neither its beauty and meaningfulness, we become sick.  As the way for us to experience mystery,beauty and meaning, art is greatly relevant to the mental and physical wellnessof the human being. Anthroposophy, a science of the spirit developed from Germanidealism clearly recognizes this relevance. Accordingly, Waldorf educationbased on anthroposophy integrates art into all the phases of education. On thebases of anthroposophy new trends of art are developed, including painting,music, dance, architect, etc. Arts based on anthroposophy are especiallyconscious on their relevance to and effect on mental and physcial wellness.Among them, Eurythmy as an art of movement is a typical example.Aija Rancane is an experienced Waldorf teacher and eurythmist fromLatvia. She has a master degree in philology and has tautht in the only twoWaldorf schools in Latvia for many years. Now she is responsible for someWaldorf teacher training programmes in Latvia. Since April 2016, she has beenteaching Eurythmy at Nanshan Waldorf School in Beijing. In the evening of 25th April, from 19:00 – 21:00, she will give a speech on the role of art ineducation and mental and physical wellness from the perspective ofAnthroposophy. Dr. Jin Zhenbao, the founder of Sanhe Meditation Center, will beher interpreter. He is also the translator of Was ist Anthroposophy, publishedin Nov. 2015. 




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